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Madeline waited at a small pub that sells food. A hooded figure enters the pub. She removed her hood and spotted Madeline at the far end of the shop.

Madeline glared at the figure approaching her. The lady sat down opposite Madeline.

"You told Amelia about my plan, did you?" She asked the lady. It was the maid she assigned to kill Amelia. The lady doesn't say a thing.

 "Answer me!" Madeline grew pissed and slammed her hand on the table.

"I didn't tell her where you got the powder from!" The lady trembled in her seat. "I felt guilty, but I didn't say everything I knew!"

 "Anyways," Madeline grinned at her, maliciously. "I guess selling your parents' organs might console me for your stupidity!"

 "No!" The lady got on her knees and begged her, "Please, I will do anything! I am sorry!"

"You seemed to have forgotten your priorities. But I will forgive you." Madeline tapped her chin. "Only if you help me testify against Amelia."

 "What!" The lady screamed, and Madeline smiled. "I don't know."

"Well, I heard a heart cost 15000 Luminae." Madeline laughed. "Now imagine the cost of two kidneys and a liver multiplied by two people!"

 "I will," The lady said weakly. "I will do it!" She started crying. Madeline rolled her eyes.

 "Good now, where is the poison? We need it as evidence," Madeline asked. The lady felt her chest tighten as she remembered that she had given Amelia the bottle.

 'I am so sorry!' She thought. Madeline became annoyed with her silence.

 "Where is it?" She snapped at her, "Did you lose it?" The lady looked reluctant to speak.

 'If it isn't with her, she should be able to say so, unless...!' Madeline's smile became wider.

 "Did Amelia take it from you?" The lady flinched. Madeline knew she had hit the jackpot. She laughed until tears fell from her eyes. She just needed to capitalize on the situation.

 "Good job!" She bent down to pat the lady's shoulder. "Let's head to the palace then."


Madeline and her maid arrived at the palace. She paid the coachman who took her down and walked towards the palace gates. The lady wore her hood in shame and guilt, as if covering her face would make the guilt lessen.

 "State your business!" They stopped Madeline. Madeline curtsied and introduced herself.

 "I am Madeline Hawthorne, daughter of Duke Hawthorne and Duchess Hawthorne. I am here to see the Emperor."

 "Why, we can't allow you unless you have an appointment with him."

 "But it's for the safety of the Empire; it is about the black magic users." She whispered to the guards. The guards looked at her and whispered to themselves.

A few moments later~

Madeline was escorted, together with her maid, to the Emperor's reception by the Imperial Guards. The Imperial Palace was huge and magnificent. The hallways were decorated with Veridian murals. They stopped at the reception and opened the door for Madeline and her maid.

 The Emperor was already seated in the reception, waiting for them. Madeline couldn't help but be stunned by the Emperor's appearance. He had bright red hair and enchanting gold eyes. He sat casually with one leg draped over the other. He had a poker expression on his face. He was incredibly good-looking; she almost forgot about what she came for.

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