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In the late afternoon, as the sun cast long shadows, life continued at the beautiful estate. Servants bustled about, attending to their duties.

Madeline sat in her room, savoring a cup of tea. Helena stood nearby, ready to assist. Madeline had been noticeably calmer lately, and she no longer lashed out at poor Helena over simple things.

Helena relished the peaceful atmosphere, relieved that she no longer felt tense or uneasy in Madeline's presence. However, that tranquility was shattered by a loud commotion from outside.

Their peaceful afternoon was abruptly interrupted by a commotion at the front gates. The security team exchanged uncertain looks as they stared at the unwelcome guest.

Madeline frowned, her tranquil moment shattered by the disturbance. She grimaced, clearly annoyed.

"What on earth is going on?" Madeline sighed as she dropped her cup.

Helena's curiosity got the better of her, and she peered through the window, trying to make sense of the scene unfolding at the front gates. There, she spotted a disheveled figure, clearly in distress, surrounded by a group of guards.

"M-miss, I think it's one of yours!" Helena's voice faltered.

Madeline, growing increasingly irritated by the interruption, decided to investigate. She rose from her seat, and she made her way to the window, joining Helena.

"What is the meaning of this chaos?" Madeline demanded, her voice sharp with annoyance.

Madeline observed the scene through narrowed eyes, and her surprise grew as she spotted Christopher standing at the front gate, arguing with the guards.

Helena quickly summarized what she saw. "It appears to be Sir Christopher who is causing a disturbance at the gate, Lady Madeline. He seems quite desperate, and he is surrounded by the guards."

Madeline turned to give Helena a glare, which caused the poor girl to jump in fright. Madeline, her patience wearing thin, decided it was time to address the matter herself.

With that, she left her room and made her way to the front gates, Helena following closely behind.

The disheveled figure is Christopher. His face bore the signs of a sleepless night and a tormented soul. He was a man on a mission, driven by a turbulent mix of desperation and anger.

"Where is she?" Christopher's voice rang out with a mixture of anger and anguish as he confronted the guards. He had one name on his mind: Madeline.

Madeline's rejection had shaken him to the core, and he had come to the Hawthorne Estate with a burning determination to confront her. He demanded to speak with her, and he wanted it now.

As Madeline approached, the guards stepped back, allowing her to address the intruder.

"Madeline, please!" he pleaded as he approached her, his voice filled with anguish. "I need to speak with you urgently."

Madeline's expression remained stoic, and she regarded Christopher with a cool detachment. "What business could you possibly have here, Christopher? You are not welcome."

Christopher's face contorted with emotions, and he seemed on the verge of tears. "Madeline, I've come to ask for another chance."

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