he who has little fath boys 

Start from the beginning

"Oh no, your id didn't work baby. I think you look exactly like a Mr Herberson"

"fuck of at least i have one"

"let me show you how it's done"J said getting out of the car with a smile

"Come on how hard could it be"

He walked in all cocky, but walked out looking like a sad puppy "oh look at that face

"ok so what" he asked getting back in the front seat

"do you like want to pay someone to go in and buy it for us or try different store"

"hop a few towns over where they don't know us as well"

"yeah I just don't think anyone's gonna bye you're guam ID" i laughed

"I would love to hear your plan violet" he tested me He knows I hate it when he calls me by my name and not lottie.

"Why don't I just go in and ask"

"That's not gonna work" "he's right, it's not gonna work"

"he who has little faith boys" i tell them. The second I got out of the car, I pulled out my ponytail to let my hair fall down my back, messing it up a little and pulled my shirt down a touch to show a little more cleavage. I look back at Conrad who looked. wellll.... let's just say he new exactly what I was gonna do and he didn't like it. I gave him a wink and turned around walked into the store.

"hey jumper" I said with a sweet smile

"hey Violet" he returned it, I could tell already i had him hooked "so we're having this party tonight I last hurrah because the house is being sold, it's just really sad and were just trying to have a little bit of fun.You should come"

"Should I now" His eyes drifted from mine down to my chest and back up to my face with a grin. I just faked a smile like I didn't notice. creep

"What do you want" he asked picking up a bottle of tequila and vodka making me smile "your so sweet"

The look on the boys faces were priceless when I walked out with two drinks in my hand and jumper pushing the trolley behind me full of drinks

"Let's get this in the car quick and do not get pulled over or say you stole it while I was on the John"

"Okay" "Thanks man" the boys said

"I'll see you tonight, Jumper" As he walked away

J laughed when Connie looked at me with razed eyebrows "seriously"

"How the hell did you do that" J asked Well he was still laughing.

" boys are a sucker for a pretty face and a bit of cleavage"

when the boys finished loading the drinks. belly and J got inti the car well Conrad close the boot

" don't look at me like that. i was just getting us drinks"

"I know, but did you have to flirt
with him"

"i didn't flirt with him I was just being nice, you should try it sometime"

Conrad looked over my shoulder, probably glaring at jumper "He's still watching you"

"Then show him who I belong to" I said with a smirk. i Wrap my hands around his shoulders, kissing him passionately like no one was watching. he wrapped, his hands around my back and connect them, pulling me into the air which made me giggle against his lips Then there was a loud beep from the car. J was getting annoyed.

when we got home, I realise we had pretty much emptied the party store. I miss Ella, but I know Connie needs this night maybe i do need to let loose a little.

I decided to wear my fluoro pink mini dress, con loves this one not so much around people though.

before the party started i palled J aside to talk to him "hey could you keep an eye on my sister" "you know i always do" "just make sure you watch what she is drinking... please" he looked concerned "v is this about" I cut him off with a smile. "No I'm fine just watch her"  "of course I will" he gave me a reassuring smile. I knew she was safe with him.

I could tell Belly was drunk already, I was scared She was gonna fall over on those rollers skates, but J didn't leave her side.

I was dancing on the dancefloor with Conrad. he was spin me around and we laughed. It felt good to be out, I haven't been in a long time

Later on in the night, I think I have a bit too much to drink because I ended up on the counter yelling "i'm a mother fucking miltf" everyone cheered me on, and Conrad looked at me like I was crazy. before picking me up off the table.

apparently there was a fight, but I wasn't there. I found Conrad on the beach later he look like he had been in a argument probably with j knowing them.

"Hey there, sexy" I grabbed his arm to keep me steady as he wrapped his arms around my waist "looks like you're having fun" he laughed

"I am, I really am"

"But I miss ella" I said sadly, looking down

"Don't cry every time you cry when you are drunk, you never stop" brushing my hair out of my face and behind my ear.

"i'm not i'm not i promise"

"hey, guess what I found out I got into Finch next year. So we can get an apartment together and I'll schools will only be down the road" I told him happily i have been waiting to tell him all day

"um actually "he said

"what you look like you have to tell me my cat died" I looked at him, confused

"I got into Stanford"


"i don't Understand I didn't even know you applied"

"Yeah my mum made me" he looked nervous, on what I was gonna say

"Why didn't you tell me, its your dream school" I took a breath and pulled away from him, looking out at the ocean in the dark

"Don't be mad at me"

"i'm Not mad" I told him turning back to look at him " i Just.. I wish you had told me, but I'm not mad, this is your dream school I mean you have been talking about it for as long as i can remember"

"I will figure something out, it's ok"

"I don't need to go" he told me and he look serious, like if I just said the word he wouldn't go. I laughed at him. "Yes you do. I would never let you not go, there are other schools for me to go to, and it was just an idea for me to go to school next year. I wasn't even sure about it. but next time tell me i thought we decided to not keeping secrets any more

"I'm sorry, I just didn't know what I was gonna do" he pulled me in tight, wrapped his arms around me, kissing my forehead.

Secrets and Lies : Conrad FisherWhere stories live. Discover now