Chapter 36

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I walked into my apartment after working a 12-hour shift at the diner. My feet were killing me, and I just wanted to relax. I moved to Neveda City in California still. I lived in this state my whole life, and no one was going to make me leave and go too far.

In fact, I moved here knowing I knew someone, I didn't know I did until I was passing through and found her working at the diner as well. Evita had left the Mayans on her own just to get away. She had an aunt that lived here though and gave her the job and then they helped me get a job and apartment. They had to know I was out of the club though, her aunt didn't want drama.

I was starting to miss my dad, Gemma, Opie and most of all Jax. I had sent Gemma a postcard at the autobody shop when I arrived in Neveda City and let her know this is where I was settling down. Then I sent a separate postcard she was allowed to show Jax and Tig letting them know this was the first stop I made since leaving. I didn't need them to know I settled down here. I just needed a new life.

I turned on the tv as I started to make dinner. I just wanted to eat and go to bed. I had to be back at work by 5am tomorrow morning. I wasn't supposed to be, but Evita had to go visit her dad and see him for some family thing.

As I sat on the couch with my bowl of ramen noodles, I got thinking of everyone back in charming and wondered if I was an idiot to leave? I mean so Clay was an ass and maybe I did overstep in some aspect but was it worth it or right to leave? I pulled out my cellphone and then thought about what I was doing. I knew it was a bad idea, but it wasn't like I hadn't done it before.

"Teller – Morrow Auto." Gemma's voice rang out.

"Hey, it's Jules." I said.

"Yes ma'am, give me one second..."

I knew she had someone I knew in the office.

"There on hold, what do you need?" Gemma asked.

"Have you gotten any other news from her?" I heard his voice as and my heart broke. Jax...Jax wanting news.

"No Jax, I haven't. I'm sure she'll send something soon."

"It's been a month. What if she got hurt or something?" Jax asked and Gemma sighed.

"I'm sure she is fine." Gemma said and I heard Jax growl.

"Jax! Meeting!" Opie yelled and Jax sighed.

"Thanks Mom." Jax said and walked out. Gemma picked the phone back up.

"Can you send something soon, there are two guys here asking me every day." Gemma said and I huffed a laugh.

"I'll send a letter soon. Been working a lot." I said.

"You still waitressing?" Gemma asked.

"Yeah, don't want to do accounting anymore." I said.

"You got plans to come home soon?" Gemma asked.


"We miss you."

"I miss you too but I'm not welcome. Listen, I may come back for a visit soon but that's it." I said.

"Fine I will accept that. Did you get the pictures I sent you?" Gemma asked and I looked at the framed picture on my coffee table of me and Jax.

"I did, thank you. I don't even remember taking half of these but I'm happy you had them." I said.

"Well as long as you remember what you can come back to." Gemma said.

"As long as Clay is in charge, I won't be welcome." I said.

"Stop it Jules, just come back whenever you want. He will be out voted." Gemma said and I sighed.

"I know..." I just started fidgeting with the ring around the chain on my neck, I always wore Jax's ring he gave me. "Has he...?"

"No, he hasn't been with anyone. In fact, he still says you both are together if anyone asks." Gemma said and I slightly smiled.

"I do love him, Gemma." I assured her, she sighed.

"I know you do, so come to him, come home." Gemma said.

"Gemma!" I heard Clay yell from outside the office.

"Who does that man think he is yelling at?" Gemma asked and I giggled.

"I love you and talk soon." I said.

"I love you too." Gemma said and hung up.

I just sat on the couch. I put my bowl of noodles down on the coffee table and grabbed the picture frame. The picture was of Jax and I sitting on his bike. It wasn't even aware it was being taken but the look we were giving each other as it was taken was a look of love. I sighed and set it back down.

I finished eating my dinner and sat on the couch. I grabbed the picture of Jax and I and headed to my room putting it on my nightstand.

"Good night Jax." I whispered and fell fast asleep.


The next morning, I was already at work for a few hours and just running ragged.

"ORDER UP JULES!" The cook yelled ringing the bell constantly.

"You keep ringing that bell Josh, I'm going to shove it up your ass." I said walking by and picking up the orders.

"Don't threaten me with a good time sweetheart." He said and winked at me. Josh and I had a love/hate relationship and always messed with each other. I walked the plates to the table that ordered.

"Jules...?" I heard someone say my name as I walked by their table. I knew the voice...I didn't want to hear that voice. I didn't turn around, but I was frozen where I stood.

"Jules...?" I heard it ask again.

"ORDER UP!" Josh yelled and I was brought out of my trance. I didn't turn around again and just walked over to the order window. I looked at Josh. "You okay, you seemed shocked about something?"

I pulled out my phone that had a picture of me, Jax and Tig on it. "Are either of these guys sitting over there at the table by the door or am I hearing things?" I asked. Josh looked and then subtly looked at the table.

"They are both there with someone else." He said and I groaned. I grabbed the plates to take to another table after I put my phone away. I dropped off the food and my only way back was past their table. As I was walking by, I felt him grab my hand.


I turned to face him.

"Hey Jax." I said.

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