Chapter 4

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It was late Thursday night and I had just finished the letters. The last letter from my mom was when she got to explain she was sick and didn't know how much longer she had. She explained to him that she didn't know when her letters would be coming since I was taking her in. I then sighed and ran my hands through my hair. I had to make the decision on whether I wanted to write my own letter to him or not. Did I want a relationship with my father or did I just want to drop this off, leave the key and never look back. I had gone my whole life without him, did I need him now?

I walked into the office I had and grabbed a notebook and pen. I sat back on the couch and just searched for the words I wanted to say to this man. What did I say? Soon I watched my hand go to the paper and just start writing.

I don't know what to call you right now starting off this letter. You're my father and I know you are but I don't know you well enough to give that credit to you right now.
I am dropping off the letters together in order of how they should be read and I will tell you it made for a nice insight into yours and moms lives.
I wont sit here and act like I know your life or what goes on day to day. What I will sit here and say is my mother put off dating her entire life thinking you would be coming back and be in her life. I don't want to hold that over your head, she had chances but she never took them and that's on her.
I don't know what you and I can have but I do hope its something. Without you and her being gone, I have no parents.
I don't want to force your choice or tell you I will stop these letters if you don't want to take on the role as my father but I would like to know what we could have. I will leave that up to you.
Hope this letter finds you well and I cant wait to hear from you.
Always, Jules-

I placed the letter in an envelope and placed it on top of the binder I put the letters in. I sighed and the picked up the phone.

"Hey, what's up?" Alice asked.

"You want to go out and get a drink tonight? I mean nothing crazy just the local bar?" I asked.

"Yeah sure, when do you want to meet?" She asked.

"An hour? Usual place." I asked.

"Yeah, see you there." Alice said and we hung up. I went upstairs and got in a black tank top and a pair of faded blue jeans with some boots. I put on some make up and just did my hair in a high ponytail. I quickly left the house and headed to the bar, I was ready to just go out and have a good time. I wanted to relax and drink away everything that had been happened in my life lately.

I walked into the bar and Alice walked in right after me and I smiled as we hugged.

"Bar seating?" Alice asked and I nodded as we walked up to the bar and sat down.

"What can I get you lovely ladies?" The bartender asked.

"Cranberry vodka." I said and Jamie nodded.

"Same." She said and then looked at me. "You don't go vodka unless you want to forget life." Alice said and I laughed.

" I don't technically want to forget life just numb it for the night." I said and she sighed.

"You finish going through everything?" She asked and I nodded.

"Yeah...mostly. My mom was hoarder." I said and Alice huffed a laugh as our drinks were delivered. Alice held up her glass and I did the same.

"To your mom, she was the best mom in the world and raised one hell of a daughter." Alice said.

"Hell yeah!" I said and we both laughed, and we took a drink. I sighed once I swallowed it.

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It had been there a few hours and we were just having a good time. I didn't go over my two drink limit since I wanted to be able to drive home. I had switched to club soda, and I even got an order of fries to split with Alice.

We were sitting having a good conversation when a guy walked up to us. Clearly drunk and clearly thinking he was a ladies' man.

"Can I buy you ladies a round of drinks?" He asked slurring his words and putting his arm around Alice and me.

"No thank you." Alice said.

"Aww come's just a drink..." He said and I sighed.

"No thank you..." I said annoyed. He just looked at me and turned all the way to me. He got a wicked glint in his eye.

"It's just a drink sweetheart. You think I'm gonna want some head in return? I but you're an expert." He said and moved closer to me. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close to him and I tried pushing him off of me to no avail.

"I just want to get you a drink and maybe some conversation but now that I see that mouth up close. I have other ideas." He said and crushed his lips to mine, and I squealed in the kiss trying to get him off and Alice was trying to pull him away. Before I knew what was happening, he was being pulled off with force and being punched in the face.

"GET HIM OUT OF HERE!" The guy who pulled him off yelled and then looked at me. I saw who he was, and I was in shock.

"It's you..." I said looking at the blonde-haired guy my dad knew.

"Yeah, you okay?" He asked and I nodded. He gave a small smile and went to leave.

"Can I at least have your name?" I asked.

"Jax." He said and then walked out following the guys who dragged out the guy who kissed me.

"You okay?" Alice asked me and I nodded. "Do you know the guy who saved you?" She asked.

"Not really." I said as I threw money down on the bar to cover my tab. By the time I got outside they were all gone, and I was confused how they could leave so fast.

Oh, I was starting to wonder about my father's life more and more.

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