Chapter 30

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***JAX POV***

Tig and I were pacing on opposite ends of the meeting room while everyone else sat around and thought about where they could be while the prospects were out looking for any sign of Jules or her car.

"Where could she have gone?" I asked myself quietly as I started thinking of everything Jules had ever told me or every place we had been.

"What about her old house?" Opie asked.

"Already sold." Tig said.

"Was that her childhood home?" Clay asked and Tig nodded.

"They never moved." Tig answered.

"What about the two of you? You go anywhere special?" Piney asked me and I shook my head.

"Well not any place really special just a park but it was the first place I had them check. She wasn't there." I answered.

There was silence for about 10 minutes until Clay's cellphone rang.

"Yeah?" He asked placing it on speaker phone.

"We found her car. It was dumped off route 90 by exit 15. Everything left in it, purse, keys, cellphone and everything." The voice said and I punched the wall.

"He took her, she met up with him and he took her." I said. Opie walked out the door.

"Get the tow truck to route 90 by exit 15. Jules's car has been ditched." Opie said and one of the other prospects that was there left to get the tow truck.

"Opie, what else have you heard?" Gemma asked and he shook his head and closed the door. Clay hung up and I just looked around the room.

"Okay I'm done, I'm going out to find her." I said and went to leave the room.

"I'm going with you." Tig said and I turned to look at him.

"No, don't worry about it, I can go alone. I would rather go alone." I said. Tig grabbed me by the back of my vest and threw my back against the wall.

"I don't know who you think you are, but she is my daughter! You don't have to do this alone or even at all. Weren't you two broken up? Weren't you too busy getting your dick warmed by Ima?" Tig asked and I pushed him away.

"A fucking mistake! Jules and I talked it out! We were working everything out!" I yelled back.

"She is still my kid! I fucked up in her life and now I'm paying for it. I want to be involved in finding her." Tig said and I sighed.

"You two need to work together. You need to lean on each other and figure this out together. You know this is all Jules ever wanted, you two to get along when it came it her." Clay asked. I looked at Tig and I could tell the worry was eating away at him and I knew he looked about how I felt.

"We work together to find her then but give her hell when we find her for her stupid plan." I said and Tig gave a small smile.

"Deal." Tig said and I sighed sitting down as the pain finally radiated through my hand. I just couldn't think about any of that right now.

"Okay so they checked all the normal places...we need think about where she went in her life before we were all involved. Do we have any journals or anything from her house?" Piney asked.

"Once her car gets here, we can check her purse. She always kept a journal with her. Maybe we will get lucky." I said and everyone nodded.

As we sat thinking my cellphone started ringing.

It was a blocked number and I quickly answered.

"Hello?" I answered on speaker. I just heard sobbing. "Jules?" I panicked.

"I'm so sorry..." She sobbed out.

"It's okay baby girl, where are you?" Tig said and she started crying harder. Before she could answer there was a sinister laugh.

"I love how you think you'll have her tell you." The voice came through and all the bodies in the room tensed knowing who it was.

"Rane, let her go. Your fight is with Jax and I." Tig said.

"Right and it could have been that way if little miss bitch over her hadn't taken matters into her own hands." Rane said. I clenched my fists.

"Just tell us where to meet. We get Jules back and you take me." I offered up.

Rane laughed again.

"I don't want either of you anymore. Jules offered herself up in your place. She said she loves both of you and won't let me have either of you." Rane said and Tig growled.

"Damnit! This is all because we kicked you out of the club?" Clay asked.

"YES! You kicked me out and the influx of money stopped. My wife left me and took my kids."

"What about getting me and Tig arrested?" Jax growled.

"That was just in good business. Someone had to be the fall guy."

"If you followed the plan there wouldn't have had to be a fall guy." Opie yelled.

"What can I say, the Mayans offered better money if there was a fall guy." Rane explained.

"You worked with the Mayans?!" Clay yelled.

"They promised me if I gave them fall guys to turn in, they would protect me. That was a lie since they dropped me the minute Jax and Tig were arrested." Rane growled. We heard a smack and Jules whimpered, proving he hit her.

"Listen, so we kicked you out. Fine, shouldn't your revenge be on the Mayans too?" Tig asked trying to play a hand.

"You think I don't have one of their old ladies too?" Rane asked and laughed. "Listen I just wanted to call you to let you know that when I killed Jules, I will make sure to make it look like it was you guys." Rane said and hung up.

Clay slammed his hand on the table.

"You know the Mayans were involved when you guys got caught?" Clay asked and I shook my head as did Tig.

"No, we never would have agreed to shit if we had known but I'm thinking now we can't take his threat lightly and of they have someone from their club we could use the help." Tig said and I nodded.

"You want to take a ride with me?" I asked and we both stood up.

"We'll go talk to Alvarez." Tig said as he and I walked out to our bikes. "Listen, I don't care about the other girl. I'm going to Alvarez to get Jules back. I don't know your plan but that's mine." Tig said as we got on our bikes.

"We are under agreement there." I said as we drove off. 

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