Chapter 7

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After a few hours My dad and Jax were walking in the office as I was showing Gemma what I had done with their spreadsheets and how I fixed them.

"I will be back in about 3 weeks to check on everything. If you just want to keep everything organized for me I will input it all." I said and Gemma nodded.

"That would be perfect, thank you." Gemma said and I nodded. I looked up and saw the men standing there.

"Can we help you?" I asked with a smile and Jax held up my keys.

"You want your car?" Jax asked and I nodded as he tossed my keys to me.

"Well, what's the damage?" I asked with a sigh. 

"Don't worry about it." I heard a voice say from the door and we all looked to see Clay.

"I just don't want to feel like a charity case or have someone cover it for me." I said and Clay shook his head.

"You're going to be here once a week finally doing our books's paid off in my book." Clay said and I gave a small smile.

"Thank you, really." I said and Clay just half nodded.

"We always take care of our own." Clay said. I gave a small smile. Clay walked away and Gemma followed. Jax gave a small smile and walked out. Alexander looked at me.

"So, I know you have questions about my life, and I want to inform you on as much as I can and what goes on here..." Alexander said.

"Isn't it just an auto body shop?" I asked and he smiled.

"Well yes...for the most part." Alexander said and I just half nodded.

"Listen we don't have to rush this, we can go at whatever pace you would like and whatever pace you are comfortable with telling me everything. I will be working here some now and see you a lot more." I said and Alexander smiled.

"Did you want to meet somewhere for dinner tonight?" Alexander asked.

"I could cook for you, if you would like..." I trailed off and he smiled.

"Sounds nice. Do you know how to make that lasagna your mom used to make?" Alexander asked and I laughed.

"I do, she did make sure to leave me with a few staples. Would you like mom's lasagna?" I asked and he nodded.

"Well then I need to get to the store and get home." I said and he nodded. I walked out of the office and looked at Gemma.

"I will be back in a few weeks. Just leave everything for me to do." I said and she nodded with a smile.

"Thanks Jules." Gemma said and I nodded. I looked at Clay and Jaxs who both were watching me and I smiled at both of them and walked to my car.

"What time should I come over?" Alexander asked. I looked at the time.

"7?" I asked and he nodded.

"Sounds good. See you then." He said and he went in for a hug but wasn't sure. I sighed and moved the rest of the way to hug him. He wrapped his arms around me and just held on. I felt him kiss the top of my head and I smiled.

"Get outta here." He said and I laughed.

"See you tonight." I said getting in my car and leaving.

This was so much new territory I didn't even know how tonight would go...

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I was getting the lasagna from the oven when I heard the bike pull up. I looked at the clock and noticed he was right on time. There was a knock on the front door.

"It's open!" I yelled and he walked in.

"You know, you should lock the door and answer it yourself. It's not safe." Alexander said.

"I know but I knew it was going to be you. I heard your bike." I said and he sighed setting down the bottle of wine he brought, and I smiled as I got wine glasses from the cabinet. "Did you go by the PO box?" I asked and he nodded.

"I did, thanks for putting them in order and in the binder." Alexander said and I shrugged.

"Meh, no big deal. I had the time to spare." I said. I moved the lasagna to the small kitchen table that was set. Alexander took the wine glasses and bottle for the counter.

We sat down and I started to dish out the food as he poured the wine.

"So, I just want to know so much about you. I mean I know I know so much already because of the letters from your mom but I want to hear it all from you." Alexander said and I smiled with a small nod.

I went through my entire life from what I could remember. I got up to high school and Alexander was ready to kill my high school boyfriend that forced himself on me.

"So, you killed him, right?" Alexander asked.

"I I did break up with him as I knee'd him in the dick." I said and Alexander laughed.

"That's my girl." Alexander said and I smiled.

"So, you went to college for accounting?" Alexander asked and I sighed.

"Well, I actually went for business with an undergrade of accounting but when I found out how much I could make being an accountant, so I changed my major." I said and he laughed.

"Who do you work for? You said it was a huge firm."

"Thompson and Moore." I said and he nodded.

"Nice, how did you get in there?"

"Well, I graduated college top of my class so when they were looking for the best of the best for their firm, they found me." I said and we both laughed.

"Not cocky at all..." Alexander said in a sarcastic tone.

"Mom said she never knew where I got it from but I'm thinking you..." I said and he shrugged.

"Maybe..." He said and we laughed.

The rest of the dinner went smoothly, and I packed up the leftovers and put it all away. I walked him to the door and sighed.

"So, we going to continue with the letters, or do you think we could try and meet up a few times a month and have dinner or whatever? I mean I'm going to be at the shop once a month." I said and Alexander nodded.

"I don't want to do the letter Jules, I realized I messed up doing that with you mom, missing too much. I don't want to do it now." Alexander said. I smiled and nodded.

"Good, well..." I said and grabbed a pen and his hands since I couldn't find paper.

"That is my cellphone number. Call me whenever." I said and he smiled with a nod. He leaned in and I gave him a hug. It felt like home, how a hug from a father should feel. Once we broke apart he smiled, leaned in and kissed my forehead.

"Talk soon kiddo." He said and I watched him walk out and leave. I smiled as I shut and locked the door. This was the start of a beautiful relationship.

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