Chapter 26

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A few days after the whole punching incident Jax and I still hadn't talked and things we tense. I was working on some paperwork when I saw a customer come walking in. Usually, Gemma would have dealt with the customers, but she was out so thankfully I knew enough to help.

"The maroon Cadillac." She said as I was looking through the keys hanging on the wall knowing every key had a tag on it for the type of car.

"Yes, ma'am you have said that 3 times." I said and then found the keys. I grabbed them off the wall.

"Let me go make sure the car is ready." I said, walking out of the office and to the garage. The only person who wasn't working at the moment was Jax.

"Hey, is that maroon Cadillac done? The lady is here to pick it up." I said and Jax nodded.

"Yeah, I parked it around back. Let me go get it." Jax said and I handed him the keys. He stopped to look at me and I sighed.

"Can we talk later?" Jax asked.

"I don't know, you gonna be fucking a whore later?" I asked. Jax growled as I walked away and went back to the office. He went and got the car, soon the lady was gone. The end of the day quickly approached, and I just wanted to go home. No one had made a big fuss about the day, and I was fine with that. I packed everything up and closed it all down as Clay came into the office.

"Hey there are some discrepancies in the club books you worked on yesterday, can you come check on them before you go home?" Clay asked and I nodded with a small smile.

"Yeah, I'll be right there." I said grabbing my purse and everything. Clay walked over with me, which was weird, but I didn't think anything of it.

"You and Jax still fighting?" Clay asked and I groaned.

"Listen I know how I acted a few days ago -..."

"Was only right and like an old lady should when someone is touching her man."

"I'm not cut out for an old lady in this life, I know I'm not." I spoke.

"Well, I can see it in you, trust me you would make one hell of an old lady for Jax." Clay said and I smiled at him as we got to the club house. Clay opened the door for me, and I walked in right before him. As I walked in the lights flicked on.

"SURPIRSE!" Everyone yelled and I stopped walking in shock.

"What is going on?" I asked and Tig walked up and hugged me and kissed my cheek.

"You think I forgot it was your birthday, my Halloween baby." Tig said and I sighed with a small smile, shaking my head.

"You guys didn't have to do this..." I said and Gemma nodded as she walked over and hugged me.

"You deserve to have your birthday celebrated." Gemma said and I smiled. I looked around and saw it was mostly everyone including Jax, he just half smiled, and I gave one back.

Tig handed me a drink.

"I would like to make a toast!" Tig announced.

"No...please...don't..." I groaned and everyone laughed. Tig came over and put his arm around my shoulder.

"Every year on this day I would celebrate to myself knowing something I created had been brought into this world. I couldn't see her then, but she is in my life now and I plan on making this a party she will never forget! So, everyone raise your drinks in honor of my greatest gift, Jules!" Tig said and everyone Cheers'd and then the party kicked off with just music and everyone talking.

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Near the end of the night the party started to die down and I had to admit I was drunk, I never got drunk much before this but tonight seemed like a perfect opportunity. I was sitting at the bar talking to Kip, who I just found out the club called half sack.

"Can I ask why?" I asked and he grinned nervously.

"Well when I was in the war I got injured and lost a ball." He said and I just looked at him and then started laughing.

"So, you only have one?!" I asked and he nodded. "Does your equipment still work?" I asked.

"Yeah...everything still works fine..." Kip said, and I smiled at him.

I leaned in close to him and placed a hand on his knee, running my hand up his leg.

"You want to prove it to me?" I asked and he instantly got nervous.

"Aren't you Jax's girl?" Kip asked nervously.

"Has Jax even been around me tonight? You really think if I was his girl, he would leave me alone?" I asked and he looked over at Jax who was sitting across the room and there was a girl trying to get him to interact with her, but he wouldn't have any part of it.

I leaned into Kip's ear.

"Do you want to prove it to me or not?" I whispered and took his hand when he just half nodded.

I pulled him slightly as we walked to one of the back bedrooms. Once we were in a room, I locked the door. I pulled Kip to me and passionately kissed him, and he quickly accepted it, and I moaned when I felt his hands start to roam my body. I walked him over to the bed with our lips never disconnecting and then pushing him down.

He watched me give him a slight strip tease as he worked on taking off his own clothes as he laid on the bed. Once he was down to his boxers and I was naked, I crawled on top of him.

"Prove to me everything still works half sack." I said and started grinding on him as we made out. 

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