Chapter 14

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Jax and I got to the auto shop and he helped me out of the car and then got my bag for me. There were a couple members of the club outside and they all came up and hugged me. They really were like a family and now I was a part of it. Clay walked up to me and I felt instantly nervous.

"You okay sweetie?" Clay asked and I nodded.

"As good as I can be." I said and he nodded.

"Well we are still trying to figure out who did this to you so if you remember anything, you tell us." Clay said and I nodded. He walked away and I saw Gemma standing there.

"Hey you." She said and hugged me and I relaxed in her hug. We pulled away from each other and she saw Jax with a bag.

"What's this?" Gemma asked.

"Her house is a mess and I don't want her there in case they come back. She is going to stay here for a few days and I'm staying with her." Jax said.

"Like hell you are!" I heard someone yell and I knew who it was. I turned to see Tig coming up to Jax and I. He pushed Jax away from me. "Stay away from her! I went to go pick her up and they said she was gone! What the fuck!" Tig yelled and went to swing on Jax but he ducked. Other members of the club held my dad back. I stepped between Jax and Tig.

"STOP!" I yelled and Tig looked at me.

"They came after you because of him! They were looking for him! This is why I didn't want you two together!" Tig yelled.

"What's not to say they only asked for him because I'm seen with him more! Maybe they were looking for you too, or anyone else but I'm the new one whose been around! You are being ridiculous right now! Jax didn't break in and beat me, Jax didn't destroy my house, Jax didn't ruin everything and every memory from my house, Jax didn't destroy my safe space! He did not do this! I don't know who did and that fucking terrifies me!" I yelled and everyone just looked at me.

"Come on, I will get you set up in Jax's room." Gemma said taking my bag from Jax. She then looked at the two men.

"Work this shit out! I'm not having this now!" Gemma said and we walked away.

***JAX POV***

"You have got to stop swinging at me." I said to Tig.

"I told you to take care of her," Tig said.

"And why do you think I was going back as late as it was? We left her unprotected." I said and Tig groaned.

"I just want to know who did this to her. I want to find them and kill them." Tig said.

"You have to let me help."

"This is on me, she is my kid!" Tig yelled.

"And she is my girl!" I yelled back.

"ENOUGH!" Clay yelled. "This back and fourth between the two of you has got to stop. Jules is a human, not a ragdoll. But a human who has been through someone of the worst months of her life with losing the only parent she had known to now being brought into this new family. You two are acting like children and it's not needed. We all want to find out who did this and once we do, you two get first crack at them." Clay said and I sighed but nodded. I looked at Tig.

"I know you don't like me with Jules and I'm willing to accept that but despite it all we are happy, she seems happy and I will be here with her while she is here." I explained and Tig just growled but I walked away before he could do or say anything.


Gemma walked me into the club house and some more bikers were there with some of the club girls.

"Get this straight right now, Jules is now Jax's old lady and she will be respected and cared for. She will be staying her and she needs to be treated with the respect of an old lady." Gemma said and everyone nodded. She then walked me back to the bedroom at the end of the hallway and opened the door. It was Jax's room and I smiled.

"Gemma, why did you just term me an old lady?" I asked and she sighed setting my bag on the bed.

"Jules, let me tell you something. You need to grow a backbone with some of these people here if you are going to stay here. They will walk all over you. The attitude I saw you have with your dad outside was the angriest I have ever seen you and to be in the club, to be with someone in the club you need that backbone 24/7. I called you his old lady because that's exactly what you are, you are with Jax, it seems like its going to be pretty serious, that's what you are. Get used to it, own it. It has it's perks. Also, the other woman will know to lay off. Will they all lay off, no...but then you deal with it." Gemma said and I sighed and looked at the floor.

"You probably think I'm useless being with your son and I have no right to be here." I said and Gemma shook her head.

"I think you are perfect for my son. Just grow a backbone sweetie and you will do just fine." Gemma said. She leaned down and kissed my cheek as Jax walked into the bedroom and I smiled at him.

"You and my dad okay?" I asked and Jax shrugged.

"Okay as we can be when it comes to you." Jax said. Gemma excused herself as Jax walked over to me.

"You okay? You had a pretty big outburst out there..." Jax asked and I sighed.

"It was warranted but I think I need to take a nap if that's okay...?" I questioned and Jax nodded.

"Yeah, I'll lay with you...if that's okay?" Jax asked and I smiled with a nod.

"I'm gonna go change first." I said and grabbed some shorts and a tank top from my bag. Once I got back to the room Jax was lying on the bed in a white t-shirt and his boxers. I smiled as I walked over to the bed and laid next to him putting my head on his chest. He started running his fingers through my hair and I smiled. I slowly drifted off to sleep feeling super safe being in this mans arms.

A Fathers Love ⭐️Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum