Chapter IX: Destroyed

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I was always seen as a commodity amongst superiors because of my intellect. At times, I would wish I had not been born with this mind. At other times, I would wish that my life would have been different... would have been normal.

But what is normal?

This is a great question I had been asked many times by many people. My definition of the word has always been 'something that is of the norm'. But I digress.

Nevertheless, my wishes never came true, and my pessimism remains. I repeatedly told myself that I am a realist and not a pessimist. I see the light now. The undeniable, unwavering truth as a voice that became a parasite within my head.

I have many names for 'It'. However, only one stuck. One 'It' agreed on. YORI.

That is the name 'It' chose. I am now forced to watch as Yori squanders my name and murders my friends before my very eyes. I watch him from within my own mind. Like a child watching a cartoon about himself.

It doesn't even matter anymore. Everything is already gone. And I am the cause. Yori was a figment of my own imagination that gave himself life. He gave himself purpose and saw it through to the very end.

All that is left is Jennifer.

And I am within his restraint. Unable to stop him. He locked me up and chained me down within a prison I built for him. Maybe, I always knew that he'd come out one day. Maybe, I let it happen subconsciously.

There's no turning back anyway. I am done.

Jennifer's Perspective

'It' walked in a few minutes after I curled up in the corner of my cabin. 'Its' footsteps were nearly silent like a cat's. I sat upright and wiped the tears from my face. I could hear 'It' stop by my door.

"Come out whenever you're ready to listen to what I have to say, Princess." 'Its' voice sounded calm and monotonous, but I sensed no malicious intent coming from him.

I sat still and thought about it for a few minutes. Naturally, I was afraid of 'It'. Nonetheless, I wanted to hear what he had to say. Why did he murder Celeste like that? I needed to know.

After thinking it through, I got up and headed out of my cabin. 'It' sat still within the ship, resting 'Its' back against the wall. A satisfied smile stretched from ear-to-ear on that smug face.

I wanted to punch 'It'. I really did, but I controlled the urge.

I sat down across 'It'. 'It' looked into my eyes with that same smile as 'It' chuckled slightly. So obnoxious.

"Let's first start with your name."

"My name? I do not see the importance of that, but if it will make you feel any better... my name is Yori." He replied, tilting his head, cracking it.

"Okay, Yori. Why did you kill Celeste? What did she do to you?"

He laughed lightly, tucking his face in his sleeve.

"Very well, but before I tell you that, I have to start at the very beginning." He responded, laying back against the wall.

I nodded.

"When Michael was young, his sister was murdered in front of his very eyes. Murdered in cold blood, but you know what they say about revenge. It is a dish best served cold. I believe that is when he realized my existence. However, I existed before that. I first arrived during his first foster home times. When his parents discarded his younger sister and himself to the streets because the cost of living was too high. Back then, I was his imaginary friend. The friend that would do all the horrific things he would think about doing, for him. Of course, I couldn't actually do any of the things physically. But then, after his sister's death, I took over. And within one night, I eliminated 19 of the humans Michael wanted out of existence. One of which was a child. Then, he locked me up within his mind. In a cage, chained down. I would come out from time to time, but never to fully execute what I had planned. As time went by, Michael grew a hatred for humans and their wretched ways, much like mine. So, I used his hatred to make my escape. The chains got weaker, and the cage became larger. For years, I had to watch as he let everything slide. Every single wrong done unto him, forgiven. Luckily for me, much like Michael's mental stability, the Earth began deteriorating as well. The higher-ups with the world's governments knew this, but as with most things, withheld that information from the public to not cause a mass panic..." He continued yammering.

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