Chapter III: The Conflict and Separation

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 Chapter III: The Conflict and Separation

What is death? Many definitions have been attempted to be put on what the experience of death could be. A simple release or a painful exit, maybe even an undefined toil of one's heart. Truthfully, nobody could definitively know what death is exactly because none living have experienced it.

I wonder what he felt... Was it peaceful or scary? I wonder if he left a footprint behind. Something that forever will be remembered as Graham Young's work. One thing is for sure though...

His death had severe effects on this team.

"Obviously, I am supposed to be the leader now! I was the closest to Graham! He would want me to be team leader!"  Celeste shouted vigorously at Jennifer as they stared each other down, ready to pounce one another.

I sat a few feet away on a log as they handed it to each other.

"Well, I think that we all should make a vote on who should be the leader! It's only fair! It's democracy!" Jennifer said as she grinded her teeth together... just adorable if you ask me.

"That would be pointless! Everybody would just vote for themselves!" Celeste responded. Her eyes were bloodred. I couldn't tell whether it was because she cried for Graham's death or because she was hellishly angry.

Their voices began to fade away as I sank into my conscious, daydreaming.

Graham's death began tearing a rift within the team. Without his leadership, the girls felt lost in a way. What surprised me was the fact that he hasn't even been dead for 2 hours and Celeste seemed more interest in being the leader. Maybe, you didn't have something as special as I thought, my friend.

I didn't really care either way.

Whether Celeste or Jennifer was leader didn't really affect me. As long as they kept me out of it. I just wanna get off this accursed rock.

"Then let's just make Michael the leader!" Jennifer screamed. Her scream brought me back to reality.

... silence...

"I'm sorry, what?"

"Yeah! If me and Celeste are stuck at an impasse, then you should be the leader." She said, looking as if she were at her breaking point. She even began scratching herself in frustration.

Celeste glared at me with her arms crossed.

"I don't have any leadership skills whatsoever. You guys should just work out your differences."

"You think I didn't see how you handled everything when the ship disappeared? Not even Graham couldn't come to a rational conclusion. You did! You are qualified, Michael." She had to bring that up. Well, at least someone acknowledged me.

"She is right though. You do seem to hide your abilities from us." Even Celeste began to agree with Jennifer.

Guess I'm stuck.

"Tch..." Celeste antagonized as she took out one of the tents within Graham's backpack.

Her face red and her teeth grinding in anger, she began setting up her tent. I wonder... is she thinking of him?

Jennifer smiled at me as I nodded and moved towards Graham's bag. I was exhausted. I needed the sleep. After all, I just lost a friend, right?

I took out the components and began setting up our tent as well.

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