Chapter II: Graham Young

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  Chapter II: Graham Young

The next day, we arose from our sleep with the sole purpose of finding our ship and getting the hell off this accursed planet. Finally, we were all on the same page. Teamwork could finally take place.

I got out of my sleeping bag and opened my eyes. The sun seemed unusually bright today. It was blinding, even through the tent or maybe it was just my eyes. When my eyes adjusted, I saw Jennifer standing in front of a mirror, dressing.

She turned to look at me and her face turned red as she threw the nearest thing, she could find at me. I simply just crept back into my sleeping bag and apologized.

"I didn't see anything."

I saw everything... every tiny detail. She had on a cute black bra and black panties that hugged her body ever so tightly. You probably think I'm a pervert.

I mean what could you expect when a guy is clearly sleeping here. I sighed.

"It's okay. I'm done, Michael." She said as she began tying her hair. I then got out and dressed as well. Her face turned red once again.

"What the hell are you doing?!" She shouted, obviously startled.

"I'm getting ready."

"But I'm still here!"
She kept shouting as she averted her eyes and then turned her body 180 degrees.

"I don't see the problem."

"J-just get dressed already, please."
She caved as she lowered her voice, still flustered.

About 2 and half minutes passed.

"I'm done."

"Thank you."
She said with her face still red.

Graham then walked in and ordered us to be done in the next 5 minutes so that we can begin the search. We nodded and followed his orders. Celeste was already outside gathering the weapons. As we got our things together as well, Graham began packing away the tents and everything was swiftly repacked for travel.

He smiled as he looked at Celeste who returned said smile. Very suspicious if you ask me. Of course, Jennifer was too oblivious to see anything, but we all know what happened here.

"Okay, everyone. We will begin the most intense hiking trip known to mankind. We don't know what to expect out there and we will be risking our lives. However, everything we do is for the good of humanity and if we are to die, we shall die in honor and glory. There can be no objections to this because we are all stuck on this giant rock, but together we can find a way off it. Now... let's go." Graham began and ended a speech in an effortless attempt at motivating us.

Graham was great at many things, but leadership had to be his best ability. Even I, with my ideals, would follow him anywhere. We then set out, however this time, Graham and I walked together as the girls walked ahead of us.

Our entire walk together, he never stopped smiling for even a second. So, I had to ask the obvious question at hand.

"So, did you guys do it?"

"Wow! Why did you ask that with such enthusiasm?" Graham asked, kind of startled by my straightforward question.

"I mean you've been smiling nonstop ever since we woke up and don't think I didn't see that little eye contact and smile exchange between you and Celeste."

"Damn. Why are you so observant? Well, it is a yes to your question. Now, I have a question for you. You know what, make it 2 questions."
He said

"Ask away."

"So, Jennifer... what do think her?" He said with an odd grin on his face. He kept on lifting his eyebrows vigorously.

"She's a nice girl, I guess. Sweet, sincere, and adorable."

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