Chapter VIII: Elimination

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It is quite peculiar how things can change within a moment. A mere instance of happenstance can change the trajectory of a situation within a blink of an eye, without warning.

Some may say that happenstances like this occur for a reason. Some may comfort themselves by saying it is for the best. However, what makes them say this? If one was to murder your entire family, no, your entire lineage... would it still be for a reason? Would it still be for the best?

Nothing can ever dictate why something occurs, nor how it may occur. Life is an endless cycle of unpredictability and inevitability. All we can do is stand by and watch as it unfolds before our very eyes and deal with it as best, we can.

There are somethings in life we have to accept that we cannot, and will never, be able to control.

Or, at least that is my thoughts on it.

Michael's Perspective

I led her away from Jennifer and the ship, a few meters at best. It was a plain, golden brown cliff edge with ample space to move. Planet Alpha's star was just about to set, giving the sky above and ahead a light pink glow.

The air was clear and all that could be heard was the sound of silence. A beautiful sound, it was.

I removed my protective gear as well as my weapons and dropped it to the ground. In front of me, stood a South-Asian beauty. Celeste Wong, born in the Philippines, raised in the United States of America. Joined the US-Army at 18, then NASA at 22. Got engaged to Graham Young at age 23.

What I wouldn't have given to exist in a world with her as Michael did.

"So, what did you want to talk about, Mikey?" She questioned, tilting her head ever so slightly with a blissful smile. Nearly making me regret my future actions.

"Look at the sunset for a moment and take a whiff of the clean air on this mountain top." I replied, pointing toward the star as I gently closed my eyes.

She did as I had told her, without question.

"Do you feel that?"

"Feel what?"
She asked with slight confusion in her tone.
"Freedom. Peace. Tranquility, Celeste." I answered, happily.

"Yeah, it is peaceful." She smiled, stretching her arms out wide, from east to west.

"Earth could never maintain such perfection. Or rather, humans could never maintain this perfection. With the entire population focused on domination, conquering, colonization, power, wealth, and fame... peace and a sound mind escape them. It would never cross its path with humans who do not care for it. So, they suffer in their self-created agony. A despair molded and crafted by their own, tainted hands. Frankly, even if they searched for this peace willingly, I do not believe that they would ever discover it."

She turned around to face me. Her face screamed out: "What the hell are you talking about?"

"What's the point of this?" She questioned me.

"I am not who I presented myself to be, Celeste. I am not the Michael you once knew. That Michael died in the arms of the woman he loved so desperately, not so long ago."

"What the hell are you talking about?"
She stepped away from me, creating distance between us. A clear sign of fear.

"What I am about to tell you will crush your will and enrage you, but I assure you, I did what I had to do purely for the benefit of the Planet Earth."

"You're scaring me, Michael."
She began to shiver.

I stared deeply into her eyes and all I could see was trembling, brutal fear. She knew what I was about to say, whether it was subconscious or not. The mere fact that I brought her to an isolated area of the mountain said enough in her mind.

"I killed Graham."

Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped to the floor. A mix of various emotions flooded her. Confusion, hatred, pain, sadness, love...

"What? No, you... you were with me and Jennifer the entire time... It... It was a trap that was set there, wasn't it?" She attempted to rationalize everything, but she knew the truth. She could feel and see it in my eyes.

"Who do you think set that trap? On this... journey to find the ship, we never once encountered any extra-terrestrial natives. Not one singular time, Celeste."

I pointed to the sky as I gazed upon its colorful beauty. A marvel.

"No... No. Why? Why? You're lying." She began to break down. A logical response.

"It was his desire. To exterminate the human race from the face of the Earth. Humanity was the ones who polluted. Humanity was the ones who were greedy. Humanity was the cause of the Earth's overpopulation. Humanity was the reason for many others' pain and turmoil. Humanity... Humanity... Humanity. And I... am the only one with the gall to get the job done."

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