Chapter VI: Detrimental Health

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Sometimes I ask myself how I got here. One minute, we discovered a hole in the ground where the ship used to be... and the next... I'm standing over the mutilated body of Graham Young.

It became more frequent and each time, the voice became clearer to me. We began having conversations with each other. It spoke... evil, and for some reason, I listened. I followed it. Like it was my commander.

"The voice is the only one that understands." I would say to comfort myself. Even though she made me do horrible, despicable things.

And each time I do, I forget what I did.

It is eating at me. My soul, my being... everything. However, whatever it says is true.

After all the harm I've done to the Earth and this mission, there is no hope of going back. There is no reason to spare these two females. But even so, I feel guilt for all the atrocities I have committed.

I killed Graham.

Even though it was indirectly, I still took his life.

"Do you have murderous thoughts sometimes? Like, do you think about killing people sometimes?"

"Yes. Everyday since my little sister was stabbed and killed in front of my eyes."

"Have you ever done it? Have you ever... killed?"

"Hmm... Not that I can remember."

She made me lie to her. I am the true definition of filth.

Don't feel so bummed-out, brother. Also, I didn't make you lie to her. I merely said what you wanted to say but couldn't because of your soft-heartedness.

Leave me alone, voice.

You don't recognize the voice of your own sister?

You are not my sister. Melissa is dead. She would never make me do anything like this.

Naïve, you are. Fine, maybe you're right. I am not your sister... but I am what you wished she could be, if she were still alive.

LIES! Stop spouting nonsense!

You retaliate with raising your voice because you know it is true.

It's not!

Then explain to me how I came into existence.

I don't...

Go on. Explain, Michael.

I don't know!

Because your hatred for humanity bore a violent, vile existence that could handle the hate and dish it out for you.

You are lying.

You wanted all the past pain and trauma to escape you and it did. YOU CREATED ME TO FIX YOUR PROBLEMS AND I AM.

Shut up.

Every little despicable thing you fantasized about could be done by something other than you. THAT IS WHAT YOU WANTED, WASN'T IT? MICHAEL!


Now you cannot handle the dirt and blood that stains your hands. You want to back out. Well, let me wake your senses. That wish is useless. The damage has been done. There is no going back. DO... YOU... HEAR... ME?!

"I SAID SHUT UP!!!" ...

Jennifer's Perspective

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