243 | Important Factors

Start from the beginning

     If Max came as the 5th highest-ranking student in J.S High, he would end up staying in the Saints' dorm, and the way the gaffers would treat him would be the complete opposite of how he's being treated now. Max would only be able to see what the House of Bishops wants him to see, so coming here would have been pointless. Thankfully, Max came prepared with an answer. Before he left House of Kings, the Elites met with him and explained to him what would go down during the entire program.

     "As the House of Kings, we were given the opportunity to send two representatives here. I was one of them. And I was sent here earlier so I can report to the student who will be arriving next week," Max explains, instantly making Xander, Stefan, and even Keigo stop walking to look at their friend in shock.

     "W-Wait, another student from House of Kings is coming here?!" Xander shouts as they stand in the middle of the busy hallway, making the other white uniforms look at them with shock, too.

     Max looks around and notices the others eavesdropping, but he doesn't really do anything to stop them. In any case, it's a good thing that they get to hear this as well so they can spread it around the campus. To be honest, the opportunity that Max is talking about is actually thanks to President Ian's efforts. He talked to the Brotherhood Association about it, and after a lot of convincing, they agreed.

     "You said student, right?" Stefan then asks when he realizes what the serf said. "What type of student are we talking about here?"

     Max's friends and the other white uniforms were nervously waiting for him to answer the question. But unfortunately for them, Max wasn't sure about it either.

     "I don't know," Max says, making everyone around them sigh. "Ian never told me who, so we'll just see who it is next week when the Exchange Program officially starts."

     "I can't believe you forgot to tell us about this," Keigo complains.

      "Now I'm starting to feel uneasy. If you're already the first person they sent here, imagine who the second one will be," Xander then adds, making Max chuckle because this isn't how he thought they would react. For Max, this wasn't much of a big deal.

     "Anyway, I'll have to go look for Vesper Cinna to ask him if he's willing to help our division. You guys can go ahead and eat your lunch," Max then says as the other eavesdropping white uniforms start walking away.

     "You sure you don't want to eat first?" Keigo asks.

     "No, I'm not hungry yet. I'll just eat dinner when we get back to our dorm," Max says with a bright smile. Keigo nods his head and heads to the dining hall with Xander and Stefan while Max waves goodbye to them. As soon as they disappeared in front of him, and as soon as Max was the only one left in the long hallway, the smile on his face instantly turned into a serious expression.

     "If you're going to keep following me, at least make it less obvious," Max says before turning around.

     The hallway was silent, but after a couple of seconds, a figure emerged behind a statue. It was a white uniform wearing a brooch that was similar to the one Justice Thorndyke had, a symbol that Max was very much familiar with.

     "What can I do for you...Castling?" Max asks as the white uniform walks in front of him, suddenly holding his chest to show Max his respect, which surprises the heir because, based on his stole, he's a gaffer.

     "As per President Justice's request, the lord is now ready to speak with you," Checkmates' underling reveals, making Max furrow his brows in confusion.

     "President Justice's request?" Max asks, but then he remembers the conversation he had with the Saints' president at the clinic.

     "As a Castling, I have hundreds of information that might help you with your task. But as the President of the House of Bishops, let me ask you one thing. How deep are you willing to actually go to help us?" Max remembered Justice asking him once.

Kings On The Horizon (Vol. 4-6) ✓On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara