My dietician/nutritionist 53

Comenzar desde el principio

Alinawritess :
"We heat the remaining oil in the pan over medium heat. Add the onion and celery."

"Then we cook, stirring, for 5 minutes or until softened. Add the garlic, cumin, paprika, cinnamon and harissa. Cook, stirring, for 2 minutes or until aromatic. Add the tomato and stock. Return the lamb and eggplant to the pan. Bring mixture to the boil. Cover."

Alinawritess :
"We bake for 1 hour 20 minutes. Add the pumpkin. Bake for 20 minutes or until the pumpkin and lamb are very tender. Sprinkle with mint and coriander. Serve with steamed broccolini."

Film man:
"Thanks guys." I show the camera what are they doing so far then left them. "So team cooker what was your step 2?"

"Well our step 2 was we added the chilli to the pan and stir for 30 seconds or until aromatic. Add the curry sauce, lamb and 250ml (1 cup) water. Bring to the boil."

"Then we reduce heat to low and simmer, covered, for 1 hour 50 minutes or until the lamb is very tender, topping up with a little more water if required to reach the desired consistency."

Film man:
"Thanks guys I will let you guys get back to it."

Antoni and Riya:

Film man:
I show the camera what were they coking then left. And left it on so it can get what they are cooking. "Ok guys let go and see what did they do for their step 2 step 3 come on. Hey team long cook what is your step 2 and 3."

Alinawritess :
"Come with us so we are almost done."

Film man:
"Wow that great guys." I move the camera a bit so they can see what are they cooking. "Thanks guys see you in a team cooker what are you guys up to."

"We just serve the lamb on steamed rice with a dollop of yoghurt and sprinkled with coriander and extra green chilli."

"And then we will be done."

Film man:
"Thanks guys." I show the camera a bit then I went back to team long cook and show a bit. "GUYS YOU HAVE 3 MINUTES LEFT."

3 minutes later

Film man:
"Ok guys that is the end of the cooking challenge please come up and show us what did you guys cook and the name of it."

"We are team long cook and we have made for you is slow-cooked lamb with pumpkin and eggplant."

Alinawritess :
"It took 20 minutes to cook."

"2 hours to cook."

Alinawritess :
"And it made 4 servings."

Film man:
"Thanks you guys it cook good."

Alinawritess and Junior: "Thank you

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Alinawritess and Junior:
"Thank you."

Film man:
"Next team come on up."

"We are team cooker and we made slow-cooked spicy lamb curry."

"So it took 20 minutes to prep like the other team."

"It took 2 hours to cook of course."

"And it makes 6 servings for everyone."

Film man:
"Thank guys it look so good."

Antoni and Riya:"Thank you

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Antoni and Riya:
"Thank you."

Film man:
"Now it is time for the judges we have Geoge Kevin and Maximum come on out guys."

"Hey guys."


Film man:
"So what we have for you guys is slow-cooked lamb with pumpkin and eggplant by team long cook and we have slow-cooked spicy lamb curry from team cooker in joy."

"Thank you."

After they have ate it and pick a winner

"And the winner is team long cook."

Alinawritess and Junior:
"Yay thank you so much."

"Of course and the prize is a gift card to Starbucks."

Alinawritess :

"Thank you so much."

"Of course."

"Since we are all here now should we film."


"Great I will see you all in 2 hours."

"See you then."

"Thanks for making this happen how much did all of this cost."

"You do not have your worry about that ok."

"Ok if you say so."

"I do not come help me clean up."


After we clean up

"Should we try the food."

"O do not really feel like eating today I am sorry."

"Come on please."


"Thank you."

"They were right team long cook did the best."

"Yeah you are right about that."

Film man:
"Hey sorry I forgot I took your camera with me."

"Don't worry about it thank you."

Film man:
"Anytime bye guys."


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