Blood is the New Black

Start from the beginning

Suddenly, they heard kids' voices, all shouting and whooping. They scrambled into a stall once the voices grew louder.

"Guys, real or not, this 'A' is working overtime to frame us," Isabel pointed out as Emily locked the stall door.

"First the call to Emily from Spencer's phone, then the cemetery photo, and now-" Aria added, but Emily cut her off.

"It's all my fault," she muttered, looking down.

"Em, stop," Hanna ordered.

"No. That whole night is like a black hole," Emily said frustratedly. "I still can't figure out how I got to Ali's grave."

"We need to give this to the police," Aria huffed, snatching the Teeth Necklace from Spencer.

"We can't. We already lied to them about the lake house," Spencer scoffed.

"Yeah. That was a huge mistake," Isabel argued, crossing her arms and leaning back on the stall door. "We keep digging ourselves in deeper."

"I mean, burning those photos was one thing- These are teeth. Okay?" Aria agreed, holding up the Teeth Necklace. "We should at least tell our parents."

"Wow, nice one, Aria," Isabel scoffed.

"Sorry," Aria muttered.

"Tell them what?" Spencer frowned. "We have no idea what this 'A' knows."

"Are you ready to explain every lie we've ever told since Ali died?" Isabel added, shaking her head sadly.

"You don't have to protect me, okay?" Emily blurted. "I can take the blame for all of this."

"Emily, stop," Aria sighed.

"Yeah, you're not in this by yourself," Spencer nodded.

"Yeah, but if you could remember something else from that black hole besides an old car, I mean, that'd be nice," Hanna said sarcastically.

"Hanna," Isabel huffed. So insensitive.

"I'm just saying, it'd be helpful," Hanna shrugged defensively.

"Can we please just get rid of that?" Emily gulped, trying not to look at that dreaded thing.

"We can't toss this. This is evidence," Aria scoffed, holding it up.

"Look, I'll put it in my locker until we figure out what to do," Spencer offered.

"Like your locker is safe from 'A'?" Hanna snapped. Gosh, five blissful months, and this new 'A' had to ruin it.

"Just give it to me. I'll put it in my purse-" Isabel huffed, taking it from Aria, but Hanna took it from her.

Suddenly, they both let go, and it fell into the toilet.

"Whose idea was it to hide in a bathroom stall?" Isabel sighed as she put her head in her hands.

"I will get it," Spencer sighed, but Aria physically stopped her.

"No, wait!" she hissed. "You can't just dive in there. These things have sensors."

"Excuse me?" Spencer frowned.

"You just have to be really careful," Aria shrugged, and Spencer stared at her.

"Well, if you would like to-" she said sarcastically.

"No," Aria snapped. They all sighed as Spencer rolled up her sleeves and stuck her hand into the bowl. Just as she was about to grab it, the bell rang, and the toilet flushed automatically, pulling the Teeth Necklace down with it. They all stared into the bowl as it disposed of the evidence.

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