Chapter 27

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Marie's pov

"Wake up," I say throwing a pillow at Jack.

"Ugh do I have to get up?" He asks groaning.

"Yes we're going to continue reading the information on the boys. So we are doing it right now because Benn won't be awake until eleven." I explain.

"You woke me up at nine?!" Jack questions shocked.

"Yes come on there's only two boys left." I say as he sits up in bed.

"Fine." He groans. "Start reading."

"Okay first boy Henrique Willet, three years old. Favorite things to do play with musical instruments, sing, and loves eating. Least favorite things to do playing wit toy trucks and board games. Personality very shy, quiet, and devious. Parents found walking around in an old alley. Allergies peanut butter. Etc none." I say Jack shakes his head no.

"Too shy." I say as Jack nods his head.

"Last one Matthew Dibiasio, three years old. Favorite things to do spending time with others, his favorite blanket and playing with trucks. Least favorite things to do doesn't like to get into trouble and hates reading. Personality helpful, kind, and quiet. Parents was left at our door step. Allergies no allergies. Etc none." I finish as Jack shrugs his shoulders.

"I think Daniel from the two year olds is the best fit for us." I say showing Jack a picture of Daniel.

Tanned skin, light brown eyes, and light brown hair. His weight was 28.5 pounds and his height was 2'11 feet. He looked like Benn so they could pull of being twins and they were the same height and weight.

"So tomorrow we'll go adopt him." Jack smiles laying back down and falling asleep.

"Wait are they going to share a room?" I ask.

"I don't know." Jack says. "If you want them too."

"Eh I don't think that'll work out." I say laying down and falling back asleep since it was only ten.

"Roar!" I was startled by Benn waking Jack and I up.

"Benn! You scared us!" Jack says pulling him in between us.

"I was trying to!" He exclaims.

"He's just like you," I laugh shaking my head at Jack.

"Your so funny." Jack says tickling his sides.

"Daddy! Stop it!" Benn laughs trying to release Jack's grip.

"Jack." I state as he stops and takes Benn to his room.

"What am I going to do with those two?" I laugh to myself.

For once I decided to get out of bed and make breakfast. I brush my teeth and head downstairs to start making eggs, bacon and French toast. While everything is cooking I set out three cups of orange juice on our dining room table. Then set out napkins and forks.

"Breakfast!" I yell as my call echoes through the house.

"Took you long enough," Jack smirks carting Benn on his hip.

"You're welcome," I say pulling the chair out and sitting down.

We eat our food and we decide to have movie marathon. Jack wanted to watch the Avengers. Benn wanted to watch Teenage Mutant ninja turtles. I wanted to watch The Fault In Our Stars. We watched TMNT because by the end of the movie Benn would be asleep.

We watched movies until it was late. Plus Jack had to go to work at quarter to five.

"Goodnight Benn," I say pulling the sheets up to his chin then kissing his forehead.

Daddy To Me, Daddy To Them: sequel to FFTSP; j.gWhere stories live. Discover now