Chapter 20

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Marie's pov

"Jack?" I whispered because Benn was asleep.

"Yeah Marie?" He whispered back.

"Can we talk about the adoption?" I asked quietly.

"Sure baby girl." He smiled. "What do you want to talk about?"

"Can we adopt a kid?" I asked.

"Why not? But we'd have to wait for a little bit because of the twins," Jack explained.

"Yeah okay," I sighed.

"What's wrong?" Jack said.

"I really want to adopt a kid now because Benn could have someone to play with before the twins are born. He's getting attached to us. I can feel it and see it. I don't want him to be a mama's boy or a daddy's boy," I explained.

"In a few weeks how about that?" Jack questioned me while smiling.

"Great but we have to make a decision for a boy or a girl? Maybe we should wait after we find out the genders." I said.

"Okay. When do we have our next appointment?" He asked me.

"In four weeks," I frowned.

"It's okay, baby girl. I really want to adopt a kid too." Jack sighed playing with Benn's hair.

"Changing the subject the subject. What do you want the twins to be?" I asked playing with my ring in my left hand.

"Boy and a girl." Jack smiled continuing to play with Benn's hair. "How about you?"

"I want a boy and a girl too." I smiled.

"No!" Benn screamed in his sleep.

"Benn," I said shaking him lightly waking him up.

He screamed as I pulled him into a hug.

"Benn it's okay. It's mommy," I said cradling him as he cried.

"Benn did you have a bad dream?" Jack asked as Benn nodded.

"You want to tell us?" Jack asked as while tears were streaming down Benn's face.

"Someone t-tried to take me away from you a-and mommy." He stuttered while crying.

"Benn it's okay. You're here with us," I said kissing his forehead.

Benn left my embrace and went to Jack. Benn hugged Jack very tightly. (Like the picture with Hayes and Chad.)

"I love you Benn with all my heart," Jack smiled while still in the hug.

"I love you too daddy. Don't ever leave me," Benn said.

Click. My camera went off. I smiled while looking at the feedback from the photo.

I posted this on Instagram. 'Daddy's hugs are the best ☺️💙' I said as the comment.

"You should be a photographer because you like to take pictures like Bryant." Jack laughed.

"Yeah I'd be taking the family picture." I laughed out.

"Yup my baby girl, the photographer." Jack winked making me blush so I looked down.

"Awe! Look at her blush! What a cutie!" Jack smiled pushing my chin upwards.

"Stop it Jack," I said pushing hand away from my chin.

"What? I can't help it," he smiled.

"Daddy I don't want anymore bad dreams," Benn pouted.

"Umm I don't know what we can do to stop the bad dreams." Jack said fixing his bed head hair.

"What about a dream catcher? We can go buy two if you want one. They help with the bad dream," I smiled kissing his forehead.

"Okay. I want a blue one and black one. But I want two more they have to be pink and purple," Benn explained.

"Why do you want two more?" I asked.

"For the twins," Benn said.

"How do you know what the twins are gonna be?" I chuckled.

"I just know," he said shrugging.

"Well if you say so," I said pinching his cheek.

"I know so," he said.

"Well then," Jack laughed. "You want to come get them with me Benn?"

"Yeah!" Benn yelled making me jump a little bit.

"Okay you guys can go I'm gonna take a nap while you guys are gone." I said laying back down.

"Okay we'll see you in an hour," Jack said as he gave me a kiss.

"I'll see you later." I said to Jack kissing him. "And I'll see you later." I smiled kissing Benn's forehead.

"Bye bye mommy," Benn smiled as he let me kiss his forehead.

The front door closed and I relaxed on the bed. I heard the front door open again.

"Jack?" I yelled.

No answer. I wasn't bothered by it. It was probably the glass door opening and closing. I felt a breathing sensation on me. So I looked up and someone was in my house.

I screamed as he covered my mouth with duct tape. Making my screams muffled. I cried as he stood me up putting me in a chair. He tied my arms and legs.

"Now you move you die," he snapped at me.

I moved my legs because I was uncomfortable. I felt a stabbing in my right leg. I cried even more to see a knife in my leg.

"I told you NOT to move!" He yelled.

That voice. I know it from somewhere. Like an ex boyfriend before I met Jack. Cameron. No it can't be.

I moved my left leg and blood poured out of it.

"I don't want to hurt you anymore princess." He smirked kissing my cheek as I moved away.

"Don't fight back princess. Cause I got this," he said pulling out a gun and loading it.

A black handgun with a red marking on it. My eyes widened as I saw the gun.

"Marie I'm home!" Jack yelled he pulled the trigger hitting my arm as he jumped out of the bedroom window.

"Marie!" Jack yelled rushing into the room he pulled the duct tape off of my mouth.

"Jack I feel dizzy..." I said before everything went white, gray, then pitch black.

Daddy To Me, Daddy To Them: sequel to FFTSP; j.gWhere stories live. Discover now