Chapter 15

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Cameron's pov

I sighed leaving the bathroom. I went on a search for Jack.

"Jack can I talk to you?" I asked Jack.

"Sure dude. What's up?" He asked.

"I uh want to talk about Lexie and David being together." I said.

"Um yeah about that. I'm really sorry dude. It's just that we've never talked about this. I just freaked out. I'm sorry I didn't mean to make her cry or anything. I'm sorry," Jack breathed.

"That's okay dude. Could you just apologize to her? She's just upset about that." I said.

"Yeah I will." Jack said as we bro hugged each other.

We went our separate ways. I found Bailey feeding Daniel his bottle. I sat down next to her admiring Daniel.

"Daddy!" Scott yelled jumping on me.

"Hi Scotty." I said as I caught him in my arms.

"I'm hungry," Scott groaned holding his stomach.

"Let's go get some food," I said picking him.

I got pasta, chicken, chips and carrots for Scott bringing him to the table.

"Yummy," he said with a mouth full of pasta and chicken.

"You're such a cutie," I said poking his nose.

"I'm sorry Lexie. I didn't mean to overreact. It's just that I'm shocked about this because we never talked about any of these things like at all." I overheard Johnson say.

"It's okay. I'm sorry too but you should really talk to David about dating and stuff. I had to go through that already with just my dad," Lexie laughed.

"I will don't worry. You're perfect for him," Johnson chuckled.

Thank goodness. I didn't think he'd say sorry.

"Daddy?" I looked down at Scotty.

"Yeah bud," I replied.

"I wanna go and pay," he said.

"Just finish your juice box and you can go play," I said as he drank his juice.

"Thank you daddy," he smiled as I helped him off of his chair.

I have the best life. I still make videos when I have a few days off of work. Mostly with the kids because Bailey is usually taking care of Daniel.

"Dad can we go now?" Kenny asked me.

"In an hour okay?" I replied.

"Yeah sure," he groaned slouching into the couch.

Marie's pov

I sat down on the couch playing with my fingers bored as heck. It was 5:30 now. Matthew still isn't here. The doorbell rang it was Matt.

"Matchu Lee Espinosa." I stated opening the door.

"Hiya sorry we're late Natalie over here had to have here makeup and outfit on point," Matt said.

"Sorry dad jeez. Hi Marie I'm gonna hangout with David and Lexie." Natalie snapped pushing me out of the way.

"Okay? But hi Annaliese. How are you?" I smiled hugging her.

"Great. How about the baby?" She asked. "Oh I'm sorry about Natalie."

"Ben is doing fine and it's okay I remember that age." I laughed letting them into the house.

Natalie's pov

"Sorry dad jeez. Hi Marie I'm gonna hangout with David and Lexie," I said pushing her out of the way.

"Hi David," I smiled sitting in between Lexie and David.

"Hi Lexie," I said blankly.

"Hi Natalie." David said.

"How are you?" I asked excited.

Lexie's pov

She throws herself at him. My heart rate picks up and my fists clench.

"I'm fine Natalie. Can I sit next to Lexie?" David asked.

"Why do you want to sit next to her? She's so ew and I'm so perfect." She smirked.

"What the hell?!" I yelled as I started punching her.

"Get off of me!" She screeched.

"He's mine!" I yelled grabbing her head and throwing it on the ground.

"Girls break it up!" Dad screamed as he pulled me off of Natalie.

I was pulled off but I was still fighting. Matt pulled Natalie away.

"I'm gonna kill you! You little whore!" I yelled kicking and screaming.

"Hey! Don't use that language ever again!" Dad yelled sitting me down.

"It's not my fault! She's throwing herself at a sixteen year old! She's what? Eight!" I yelled. "Throwing herself at my boyfriend!"

"What the? I didn't know I'm sorry!" Natalie yelled.

"Next time don't throw yourself at David because you will never be able to walk again!" I screamed letting my dads grip off of me and running upstairs.

"Damn sluts. I hate her. I hate her. She's going to die." I muttered pacing around in the room.

"Lex?" David whispered as he cracked the door open.

"I'm sorry," I whisper looking down starting to cry.

"No Lex. It's okay." He said as he grabbed me from falling on the floor.

"No it's not. David it hasn't even been four hours and we already have problems. I just love you too much," I cried into his chest.

"You really think I would leave you for her. She isn't perfect like you. Your the one I want," he said as my eyes grew heavy.

"I love you," I whispered before falling into a deep sleep.

"I love you too princess," he whispered pulling me onto the bed and cuddling with me.

Natalie's pov

Dad pulled me into the bathroom. He cleaned my cuts that were on my face.

"Natalie do not throw yourself at boys. New rule no dating until your fifteen." Dad said.

"What no? Dad!" I groaned.

"New rule," he snapped.

"Then I have to-" dad cut me off.

"You have to what?" Dad said.

"Um break up with my uh boyfriends," I muttered.

"Boyfriendsss?" He asked as I nodded.

"You're ground for three weeks," dad said walking out of the bathroom.

"I hate you dad!" I yelled.

I ran out the bathroom. I ran out the house into the road. The last thing I saw were bright yellow lights. I never wanted this to happen. Bright lights in my face and a loud honk held for over ten seconds. I screamed as I saw it come at me. Boom! That was the last I remembered of that day. Except getting punched in the face by a fifteen year old girl.

Daddy To Me, Daddy To Them: sequel to FFTSP; j.gWhere stories live. Discover now