Chapter 14

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Marie's pov

"I'm sorry, Nash. Please come in," I laughed opening the door.

"It's okay, Marie. It's so nice to see you again," Nash laughed hugging me.

"It's great seeing you too Nash." I said. "Hi Natalie."

"Hi Marie. How ya doing?" Natalie asked me.

"Great!" I said kneeling down. "And how are you boys doing?"

"Gowd," Devin smiled.

"You boys can go play in the backyard with my grandkids." I said.

Jack came down seeing Nash and bro-hugging him.

"Men," I said to Natalie rolling my eyes making her laugh.

We chatted for a few minutes when the doorbell rang again. Cameron was here with Bailey and their seven kids.

"Marie!" Cameron squealed like a girl hugging me.

"Alexander!" I squealed back letting the hug go.

"Hi Marie!" Bailey said happily hugging me.

"Hi Bailey!" I smiled hugging her tightly.

"Hi Marie, what's the wifi password?" Lexie asked me.

"Hi Lexie. Go ask Kenzie." I said patting her shoulder.

"Hello Kenny and Kendra," I smiled patting their heads.

"Hi Marie," they smiled.

"Go play in the back," I said as they ran in the backyard.

"Hey Sean," I said.

"Hwllo Mawee," Sean giggled.

"Go head play in the back," I said as he ran I the backyard.

"Melissa," I smiled tickling her.

"Don't do dat," she giggled as I winked at her stopping.

"This must be Scotty," I smiled picking him up.

"Hwllo," Scotty giggled as I put him down.

He ran off into the backyard to play with his siblings.

"Look at this little chubster," I said kneeling down to the carrier.

"Daniel right?" I asked.

"Yeah it's Daniel," Cameron smiled down at me.

"He's adorable," I said as Cam helped me up.

"I'll be over in a minute. You both can go into the living room." I said as I went into the kitchen to grab more snacks.

I brought Doritos and a vegetable tray with dressing. I set the tray down as the doorbell rang. I jogged over to the door.

Shawn was here with Gabrielle and the triplets.

"Hey Marie," Gabrielle smiled. "Congratulations on the sixth baby."

"Thanks Gabrielle," I hugged her.

"Hi Shawny boy," I said letting the hug go.

"Hi Marie Lee," Shawn said.

"These must be the triplets. I wonder whose Joshua." I said pointing at one of the girls as she shook her head.

"Then Joshua must be you," I pointed at Joshua.

"This must be Hailey and Jayden," I said pointing at both of them.

Daddy To Me, Daddy To Them: sequel to FFTSP; j.gWhere stories live. Discover now