▫️ CHAPTER 7▫️

Start from the beginning

After handing the bag to his best friend, Jackson proceeds to wash his hands. Dejected tae sighs hard in disgust of his friend's choice of meals. If only it were in his hands to buy foods he would spend the whole in buying best dishes around.

But, on opening the packaging his face brightens. The bitter melon soup turns out to be kimchi and fried chicken. He can't help but laugh out at his friend's antiques.

Jackson: "Did you like my version of bitter melon soup Mr. Kim?" Jackson asks while smiling after coming to the table.

Tae: "Oh no Mr. Wang! I never knew bitter melon tastes this good." Dramatically while clapping his hands tae answers, equally happy with the meal that he gets as the lunch. Laughter, chats and talks fill the whole dining table. New type of lunch in tae's life turns out to be the best of what he has ever experienced.


Jackson: "You ready?" Jackson asks after seeing his friend full dressed, ready to go out.

Tae: "Yes. I will be sure to make things clear."

Jackson: "All the best. Be sure to be safe. I will wait for you with your favorite dinner" Jackson assures with a smile. After many discussions they have come to a conclusion of finalizing his shifting.

He needs to let the other residents know about his decision of living separately. Not that it creates a difference in their lifestyle or it matters to them. His manners tell him to do these. He can not give up on his own disciplines. Can he?

The doorbell rings. It feels awkward to ring the bell to enter the house in which he just entered freely yesterday. Still!! The house will soon not be his, why not follow up some manners? Standing in front of the closed door, he feels nervous all of a sudden, an unwanted anxiety washes over him.

He calculates the words he thought of saying and thankfully finds them still holding on from jumbling up. The door is still closed. The door is now closed temporarily, but it will soon be permanent. He chuckles himself after thinking of the situation he is in. The door opens and a surprised Jungkook stands still there.

His hair messy, clothes shabbily over his frame. Tae sighs. It is broad daylight, he didn't imagine getting stuck into this shit.

Tae: "So, let me come out straight." Tae says while sipping the cup of tea that is given to him by Yeon. "I am shifting to my house in evergreen." A long silence follows. No reply or question is heard.

For the time being tae has concluded the fact that they didn't even know that he is out and that it doesn't matter if he goes out. While uttering those words the walls seemed to get paralysed for him. This house hold several memories for him. His first time staying with his love of life, his dreams of decorating all the rooms, creating his own dream space by himself, loving his mate and growing old till death.

This house has been the source of his every streak of dream that he had woven. If only he was not forced by his fate to get separated, he would still stay here and cling on to the unfulfilled dreams that he had. He would still try to get the glimpse of his mate, laughing, smiling, and with his adorable heart eyes.

He doesn't need to be the one who is aimed those. But, he is hurting too much. So much that his mental strain is taking a toll on his physical self. He is tired of crying while muffling his voice. At the very least he can cry out loud letting out his emotions without worrying about being heard by someone.

He wants to start a new.

Jk: "Why?" Jungkook's enquiry brings him back to his senses.

Why? Is that a question to even ask?

Tae: "Because I need to start afresh. I need a basis of my life and I don't want to be a hindrance to anyone's life." Just a day ago or two, he was said that he is unwanted, he is unworthy, he is unnecessary.

Can 'why?' really be the question that is served to him?

Yeon: "So, you thought of moving out?" Yeon asks this time being surprised at the other's revelation.

Tae: "Yes. I am not needed here, not in your lives, my presence in this house is not what suits now. And, I need to be free too. I am............tired." Tae replies in the most polite way be can. He understands how much the other pair is surprised. After so many years of endurance he himself couldn't believe his own drastic change in nature.

Strangers are bound to be shocked. Strangers are must to get surprised.

He smiles at himself. He has grown bold. Thanks to Jackson he has become courageous. An alpha who is obviously maddeningly in love with his mate, is initiating the separation. A new sight to see. It is not wanted, the fate has forced the situation. His destiny was probably different.

Tae: "So. This is a Goodbye then. I hope both of you live happily and beautifully. You have my best wishes." He smiles politely, slightly failing to show his pain that is hidden behind. Getting up from the couch he strides to the door. His hand holds the door knob and for a moment he remains stuck in a dilemma.

Shall he look back once? Will he be able to see even the slightest trace of sadness in Jungkook's face when he finally lets go.

With a fast beating heart, glistening eyes he turns back once.

Jungkook's face is not void or blank. But, it holds an emotion that he cannot decipher. He wants to be selfish and imagine it as sadness. He just wants the other to feel the sadness, not the one of loosing his love, friend, or family. He just wants the other to feel the sense of loss when he goes away. Just this time he wants the other to at least feel sad for him.

He smiles at the other weakly. Being unable to hold on to the tears, a single drop flows down his cheeks. He goes out of the house with hurried steps, finally letting all his memories, dreams, wishes, expectations drown in vain, strangle in a pit of darkness. He leaves his destination of dreams behind and moves forward to what is next.

The love will forever be in the heart. But, it will never be given the chance to be expressed anymore......

The door to the house opens with a bang. The submissive alpha enters the house with fastened strides. On entering his eyes trace the living room, Jackson awaits his comeback. Before Jackson can utter anything, he is engulfed in a hug. And then, follows the sobs that the other has suppressed for longer than he wanted to.

Jackson returns the hug, while embracing the other tightly, trying to provide the other some comfort he mumbles,

Jackson: "You did well tae. It will be alright. Don't cry anymore" He understands what it feels like to let go. And any feeling cannot be abandoned so easily. He himself has tried to abandon the feelings he has for his best friend. But, it is never easy to let go.

It is just the endurance and self-control that needs to be polished with passing time.

Bcz the core forever remains the same..........

Bcz the core forever remains the same

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I hope so you'll like it .... tell me about your opinion.... & stream layover album Seven both versions and the upcoming song of JK 😉💜

Author N-Tk 𐤀

Wrong To Be His Alpha || Tk 𐤀Where stories live. Discover now