▪️ CHAPTER 2▪️

Start from the beginning

He exits the house and takes his car to the destination of his first workplace after having a short breakfast from the cafe, the very warm "câlin réconfortant". He meets the lively Yeonjun there. The omega is acquiring his knowledge in bandaging today. After encouraging him and directing the other juniors and learners he goes to the elder's ward. The elderly people all consider him dear and cheerful.

Speaking to them about his other workplace and subtle instances of his life, hearing out their funny experiences, giving them food and medicines, giving massages, and putting some to sleep, he forwards to the children's ward.

Again comes a tiring but exciting wave of hurdles, shouts, squeals, and cheers. The kids gather around him to spend the time allotted to them. He gives each of them one candy sneakily. While silencing them by putting his forefinger on his lips, he whispers with a smile

"No one shall know it. Once in a while is fine." Saying this he winks at them and their faces lit up with light. Accompanying the kids and caring for them always is tiring but it helps him lighten up his mood every day.

"Jungkook loved to visit them." He thinks and again finds himself strongly missing his mate. They used to come here and spend time with the residents. A day of the week was always saved for visiting the kids and elders. He again sighs and distracts his mind from the little bundles of happiness playing around.

At the end of the day, he is tired but happy. He is gathering the fuel to smile. After changing his clothes from work to formal he ascends to talk with the fellow senior workers.

They have some new kids being introduced, new requirements of products and medicines, needs for alot change of clothes for people, encrypting everything in his mind and partially thinking of the solutions he becomes satisfied.

The solutions are easy for him as he has been working for years and has significant expertise. Bidding everyone goodbye, he leaves for his second work. The art gallery that they have been planning for a year or more is supposed to open after a month. The preparations are silently and secretly being done to avoid any rumor or confusion.

The noon to is not warm. The wind, although not as chilly as the morning, still gives goosebumps. He shivers and adjusts his coat to search for warmth while waiting for his companion. The coat he is wearing today is also a source of memory to him. It was gifted to him by his Jungkook-ie. That year the cold was especially strong.

"You shall be careful enough!" Saying this the young Jungkook had given him the coat on Christmas night. "See I have kissed it everywhere and you shall stay extra warm" A warm and fond smile was playing on his lips. The night was unforgettable. While he is immersed in his world of memories he hears an expected call.

Jackson: "Hey! Taehyung!" Comes in a very familiar voice giving him a comforting feeling. He doesn't need to turn around to know that the owner is happy to see him. The jolly and strong figure then ascends towards him and stands beside him while keeping his hands in his coat's pocket.

Tae: "How was the visit?" The addressed person asks after turning to the dominant alpha with a smile. The earlier day he has missed his very best friend. Jackson went to visit his hometown as he was getting nostalgic for the familiarity and comfort. Thus, leaving him to be alone for the rest of the working day. Ah! Only he knows what it feels like to be alone.

Jackson: "Good. I got to eat the hot pot this time." He is replied to Jackson with a smile from him. But his tone and smile contain pride and a tease.

Tae: "You ate the hotpot without me? And now you are showing it off?!" His mood is ruined now. His best friend ate the special hotpot of his hometown and he didn't get any. With an irritated face, he walks away from the dominant alpha.

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