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"Wake up!" I woke up to Oliver jumping onto my bed and me. I groaned in pain and annoyance from being woken up.
"What time is it?" I asked him while sitting up.
"2 something in the afternoon, you slept in and I didn't want to wake you until now." He told me while getting up and walking over to my desk to sit down.
"Thanks." I told him. I was still a little tired but got up anyway and walked over to my closet to get out something to wear.
I didn't plan on going anywhere today so I just got out a pair of white sweatpants with roses going up the side along with a plain white hoodie.
Oliver had already gone back downstairs after I got up and was doing whatever he normally is.
"Olivia!" I heard Oliver yell.
"What?" I called out
"Come look at this quickly!" He yelled again. I sighed but still went downstairs
"What is it?" I questioned him, wondering what was so important for me to have to rush down stairs.
"Xander Bell was found dead last night." Oliver told me. I could feel my breathing start to pick up. I knew all of this was because of me having to play that stupid game from having something bad happen to Oliver. After what happened to dad and Liam I just know I couldn't bear losing Oliver too.
"Olivia, hey are you okay?" I could hear Oliver ask. I knew I couldn't tell him the truth so I nodded before walking back over to the stairs to go back to my room. I could still feel Oliver's concerned stare on me as I went upstairs but I just couldn't tell him, not when something could happen to him if I did.
When I got to my room I started to get my shoes on to go for a walk to clear my head, I made sure I had my keys and headphones before going back downstairs.
"I'll be back, I'm going for a walk." I told Oliver who was still in the living room.
"Okay, can you get me a monster while you're out, I'll pay you back?" He called back.
"Yeah, sure." I told him before walking out making sure to lock the door before I left

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