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I was finishing up my drawing that I've been working on for a few weeks now when I heard a knock on my bedroom door. I turned down my music so I could hear.
"Who is it?" I yelled loud enough to be heard from the other side of the door.
"It's Olivia,dinners ready." I could hear her say before I heard her footsteps walking away. I got out of my chair and went downstairs into the dining room. Mom was already there and so was olivia.
"What did you make?" I asked her when I sat down.
"Spaghetti." she answered. I started smiling and so did she. Mom asked us about how our day was and what we did all day and before long everyone was done eating. I decided to do the dishes since Olivia cooked. I got lost in thought that I didn't hear Olivia calling my name.
"Have you finished your drawing yet?" Olivia asked.
" no,not yet but almost." I told her, smiling. I like when people are interested in what I'm drawing because it makes me feel like they care.
"oh, well can I see it when you finish?" she asked.
"Yeah of course" I smiled, happy that she asked about my art.
She walked off soon after and I had just finished washing the dishes. It was about 8:00 so i went to go shower

A/n pretty much a filler chapter tbh

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