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"Xander!" I heard my mom call from the living room.
"what?" I called back, walking out my room and to the living room to hear her better.
"Can you take Apollo out, he's at the door whining." She asked me when she saw that I was listening.
"yea mom just let me get my shoes."I told her while going to put on some shoes before letting Apollo out for a few minutes.
"Come on Apollo time to go back inside." I called. After a minute or so he came running to the door and I opened it to let him in.
"Xander." I heard someone call. I looked around to see if someone was there but I found no one so I went back inside.
"Xander." I heard once again before I could get fully in the house. The voice was drawing out my name and then was followed by whistling.
"Hello?" I called out. I was on edge and the whistling didn't help but it kept on and sounded like it was getting closer before it suddenly stopped.
"Xander." I heard it once again but it sounded like a whisper. I was about to go inside but I felt a hand on my face covering my mouth and something cold and thin placed against my throat.
"If you try to scream I will slit your throat."I heard the same shrill voice from before. All I could do was nod my head and let myself be dragged back away from the house. As we got farther away from my house I felt the knife being moved away from my throat and the hand moved away from my mouth. I took this as a chance to get away but as I started to run I felt the person grab my wrist. I looked back and tried yanking my wrist out of their hand but as I was trying to, they brought up the knife and I felt a sharp burning pain across my arm before finally I got free and started to run back In the direction of my house. I could feel the blood dripping down my arm and a heavy set of footsteps behind me but I ignored it and kept running as fast as I could.
I could see my house come into view and my mom was outside.
"Xander!" I could hear her yell. I went to yell out to her but before I could I got tackled and held down. I began thrashing around and kicking but that did nothing.
"Let go,let go!" I repeated over and over my voice trembling. I could feel the tears falling down my face. They covered my mouth once again but The person started mumbling curses out under their breath before lifting their hand and bawling it up in a fist. They hit me a few times and all I could do was cry out. My ears were ringing and I could feel blood trickling down from my nose and lip. The person then grabbed the knife and held it in both hands before they started to lift it right above their head. I tried moving away but couldn't with the person straddling me. They lifted the knife higher before bringing it down quickly, stabbing it into my stomach. This was repeated more times and the hand returned to my mouth to muffle my cries of pain. I could feel myself start to choke on my own blood. As I felt myself growing weaker and weaker and I could barely breathe, Everything hurt. The person brought the knife down into my stomach one last time and twisted it a few times before ripping it out. I saw the figure stand up and start walking away. I could feel my own blood start to soak my shirt and the ground. I tried pushing myself to stand up and after a bit of struggle I finally did. I started walking as best as I could but my whole body ached with every step I took. As I got to the edge of the woods I could see my mom and Apollo looking everywhere.
"mom." I tried to yell out but it made me cough up blood. I felt my knees give out and I started to fall. As I got dizzy, I could hear Apollo barking before everything went black.

A/n - kinda suck at writing these kinda scenes tbh

GUILTY.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora