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I got home from school and at first thought I was the only one home but I was proven wrong when I heard the bath going. I walked to the bathroom door and knocked.
"Sara, you in there?" I called.
I got no response so I called out again from the other side of the door.
"Sara?" Again I got no answer and was starting to get worried. I pushed my thoughts away and just as I was about to walk away I saw water seeping from under the door.
Concerned I started banging on the door calling out my sister's name just to get no response each time. Growing more concerned by the second I tried to open the door only to find it locked. I kept pushing on the door trying to get it to budge but it wouldn't work so I ran downstairs to the garage into my dad's workspace to find a hammer. Once I found the hammer I rushed back into the house and upstairs by the time I got there, there was a huge puddle of water in the hallway.
I got to the door and hit the handle as hard as I could over and over till it broke off. Once it finally did I rushed inside only to freeze when I caught sight of Sara in the bathtub overflowing with water and a mix of blood. I rushed over to her, feeling for a pulse, and by the time I found it, it was already very faint, so I quickly pulled out my phone and called an ambulance.
After I called them I looked around trying to find what Sara did and when I did I found a deep vertical cut on each of her wrists. I brought a hand up to cover my mouth as a choked sob escaped it and pulled Sara closer to me sobbing.
"Sara?" I called out.
"Sara, can you hear me?" I managed to choke out a few seconds later but as expected I still didn't get a response so I checked her pulse once more only to find that she didn't have one. At this point I started breaking down my cries echoing throughout the house and by that time I could hear the faint sound of sirens but it was too late Sara was gone and there was nothing I could do about it.
I grabbed my phone for the second time in the past 30 minutes to call my dad and tell him what has happened. After the phone rang a few times he finally answered.
"Dad?" I managed to get out as my voice cracked at the end.
"Julian?" I heard him say. I didn't respond though cause I knew if I tried my voice would be all high-pitched and wobbly.
"Julian, buddy talk to me." He said getting more impatient.
"Dad it's Sara-" I got out before my voice cracked again for the second time, cutting me off.
"What's wrong with Sara,Julian?" I went to open my mouth to respond but nothing would come out, my voice was just stuck in my throat.
After a minute or so I felt that I could finally talk.
"Dad she's gone," I said and I went on to explain what had happened from when I got home to the time I called him.
It was silent for a few minutes before he finally said something "Did she-?" He stared before cutting himself off for a minute before continuing
"Did she leave a note or something?" He asked and I could tell from the tone of his voice and how shaky it sounded coming out that he was on the verge of tears.
"I haven't checked yet, can you get off work now please?" I pleaded.
"The paramedics are here and they need to talk to you, Dad." I continued there was a long pause before I heard the sound of clothes rustling.
"I'm on my way, can you look around and see if there's a note or anything that could give a reason as to why she did?" Dad insisted. "Yes Dad I'll see you when you get here" I mumbled into the phone. " I love you, buddy." I heard Dad say before the line went silent. "Love you too Dad" I shakily murmured.
After I put my phone down I went back upstairs and walked towards Sara's room and opened the door. I took in a sharp breath as I entered and walked around. I started by looking on her desk and in the drawers on her desk only to find nothing so I went to her nightstand and looked in the drawers and when I got to the bottom drawer I found some envelopes addressed to different people as I flipped through them I finally found one that had my name on it.
Taking in a sharp breath I walked over to her bed and sat down sitting the other envelopes next to me. With my hands shaking I took the envelope addressed to me and opened it.
'Hey Julian, if you're reading this then Im probably already gone. Now don't cry. I hate it when you cry so please don't cry, you may be asking what drove me to do it, and to be truthful it was Mom. Mom and I were so close until she up and left, leaving us behind for her new family and starting over without us. I just couldn't handle it, yea I love you and Dad but my bond with Mom was something else. Mom taught me everything I needed to know, but when she left things got harder and harder, I ate less, slept less, smiled less, didn't talk as much, and then the bullying started and it got to be too much and I just couldn't handle it. I'm sorry Julian but I love you and you might have noticed that there was also a letter to Mom in the stack if you could, please give it to her. I love you- sincerely Sara
By the time I got done reading the letter, I was in tears and was shaking worse than before. I looked through the stack of envelopes again but this time I read the names of them. There was one for people like Olivia, Oliver, Dad, Mom, and even Lillian.
Olivia was Sara's best friend and I know Sara was in love with her, you could see it with how she looked at her and talked about her, and when they talked she would have the biggest smile on her face. While continuing to think about how she was in love with Olivia I started sobbing more thinking about how she would never be able to tell Olivia or confess.
Oliver and Sara were close friends, almost as close friends as Olivia and Sara. They lived to get into trouble and do stupid stuff because they found it fun. They said they loved the adrenaline rush they got while doing the stuff. But now that Sara's gone would he continue to do the stuff and stay carefree or would he become closed off?
Lillian was like a little sister to Sara and me. She was there for Sara when no one else was and would fight someone over her even though she would get hurt and in trouble in the process. She went everywhere Sara went, did everything she did, and more. The two were inseparable.
My train of thought got cut off when I heard the sound of a car pulling in. I jumped up and ran as quickly as I could, almost slipping in the process of wanting to get to Dad. The ambulance was still there as it had only been 15 minutes since I called Dad. As I flung the door open I rushed towards Dad and hugged him as hard as I could breaking down in his arms. I could hear the faint sound of his cries as he hugged back.
After we let go Dad had to go talk to the police and paramedics. At this point I had realized that my clothes were still soaked in water and blood from holding Sara in my arms so I headed back inside into my room to dry off and change. I changed into a pair of sweatpants and a plain T-shirt and just as I had got done I heard a knock on my door.
When I opened it there was Dad.
" Hey buddy." Dad murmured I could tell he had been crying a lot like I have cause his eyes were bloodshot and he looked tired.
"Hey Dad." I said just above a whisper.
" Did you find a note or anything?" He asked.
"Yea, here" I mumbled, handing him the letter with shaky hands before continuing to talk.
"There were others for Oliver, Olivia, and Lillian and there was also one for mom" I explained to him.
He nodded shakily, taking the letter from my hands.
" ok I'll make sure to get your mom's letter to her, can you give the others they're letters?" He had asked me.
" Yea, Dad." I told him.
"Ok thank you, buddy, you should get some rest now goodnight". He inquired.
"Ok goodnight Dad," I said before he walked off and I closed my door before turning the lights off and going over to my bed curling up into a ball and crying some more before I fell into a restless sleep wishing this was all a dream.

A/n - each new point of view is a new chapter! Also I'm probably not that good at writing but yea

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