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I was in my room laying down on my phone when I heard the shower start. I knew it was Oliver since mom went to her room to go to sleep after dinner. I sighed before getting up and going to my desk to use my laptop. I didn't know what I was gonna do on my laptop so I just went to finish my writing in the document I had already started.i was working on it for a while and i was almost finished when my phone started ringing but i didn't answer it and just left it ringing already knowing who it was calling . I shuddered at the thought of the caller, and at the thought of the horrible voice who keeps threatening me to play his cruel game with Oliver's death. The ringing finally stopped and I felt relieved but that was short lived when it started ringing. The same feeling washed over me again and I felt like throwing up but I knew I had to play the game for Oliver's sake. I picked up the phone and answered.
"hello?" I was able to get out.
"olivia." the voice said. The tone of the voice came out playfully and drew out the A in my name.My throat tightened at the voice. I hated the voice, it made me sick to my stomach and I felt like crying when I heard it.
"what do you want?" my voice trembled and i knew i was gonna cry soon. I felt so guilty knowing I had been the main cause of what happened to lexi. I mean sure I hated her, but I didn't want her dead.
"Do you have a name?" the voice inquired, ignoring my question with their own but at the same time answering my question.
"Xander?" I questioned. Xander bell was the type of person who would do anything to get under your skin and he was also the type to bully someone like he did Sara and me but I didn't think he would go as far as murder just too get too someone.there was the sound of laughter on the other end before the line went dead. I felt myself shaking and tears pooling in my eyes.
"you know it's your fault right?" I heard someone say. I turned around to look behind me but no one was there.
" you're the reason they're dead." i heard someone say again and it sounded like it was coming from in front of me so i turned back around only to come face to face with someone sitting on my desk causing me to get startled and lean back too far in my chair and i didnt get to get a good look at them because i fell out of my chair and when i looked up from my spot on the chair the person was gone. I sighed and got up from off the floor and picked my chair up from off the floor too before leaving my room to go get something to drink from downstairs. On the way downstairs I tripped on one of the stairs and almost fell but caught myself. I can be very clumsy when I'm nervous and right now is one of those times.When I got downstairs I got a glass of water and sat down.
As I was sitting in the kitchen I kept hearing noises but brushed it off as me being tired. I finished my water and put my glass in the sink before heading back up to my room and getting ready to go to sleep.

A/n- kind of a long one but also not

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