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I didn't want to go to lunch today so I waited in a bathroom stall until it was over but just as I was about to walk out the stall I heard the door open and 2 girls walk in. I stayed silent just waiting for them to leave but as I was waiting I heard them start to talk about someone, more specifically that someone being Sara.
" Did you hear what Julian yelled?" One of the girls asked, I think her name is Jenna." Yea, I mean it's no surprise she killed herself. I guess she just couldn't handle the truth being thrown at her or her mommy leaving her." The second girl, I think her name is Lexi, said laughing mid-sentence before continuing."Hey Jenna, do you think Julian would go out with me? I mean he's kinda hot." Lexi asked. I had enough of listening to them and just walked out, I was pissed but kept a leveled head. They seemed to be in shock at the sound of the stall door being slammed open before they snapped out of it." oh it's just Lillian." Lexi had said. "Shut up" I mumbled, sick of her shit. She backed away a little before rolling her eyes and walking out signaling Jenna to follow her which she did. I sighed before going to the sinking and leaning on one before splashing cold water onto my face. Sighing once again before grabbing my bag and going to class.

A/n the shorts chapter so far with 250 words :,)

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