World Tournament - 2

Depuis le début

"But are you sure you want sushi? I mean, won't it be too heavy for your stomach?" Mei Mei asked, genuine concern evident in her voice. Even a speck of sweat could be seen on her brow as she worked in the kitchen, preparing some sweets for Lucian. He had recently started eating them again. These sweets weren't made with sugar but rather a healthier alternative for sweetness that didn't affect his health..

"Yes, my digestion and bowel system are fine these days. Not to mention, I'm feeling very hungry, and watching some Teatube videos made me crave sushi," Lucian said as he browsed through his phone, which was now functioning as a tablet.

Lucian's hands moved with soft motions as he scrolled through the Yggdrasil wiki page. Earlier, he had been browsing through 2channel moments ago but couldn't find the information he wanted, so he returned to his usual site.

Lucian was currently looking at the information available on the rankers, which referred to the players in the top 10.

Out of the top 10 rankers, 5 of them are humanoid, 3 are demi-human, and only 2 are heteromorphic. This surprised Lucian initially because, in theory, heteromorphs should be more powerful, but it seems that not many players chose to play as heteromorphs.

"Fine then," Mei Mei sighed. She knew that his bowel system was working fine because she had been keeping track of it, albeit without letting Lucian know. She continued, "What kind of sushi do you want to eat then?"

"Some unagi, aji, salmon, uni, and chutoro," Lucian said with a smile as he continued to browse through the website.

"As you wish," Mei Mei replied with a smile as she brought out the cupcakes she had baked and began preparing the cream to pipe onto them.

Lucian smiled as the sweet scent of the cupcakes filled the air, eagerly anticipating their arrival. He felt joyful and happy today, knowing that tomorrow he would finally get the World Champion class.

Lucian patiently waited for the sweets to cool while browsing the Yggdrasil wiki page.

[Rank 9]




Level :  95

Race: Petra Tib Nig

Class: Monk

Information available: None

Lucian paid 30,000 yen for this information, and all he could discern was that the player was a monk belonging to the Petra Tib Nig race of humanoids.

Considering his race, the monk class seemed fitting for Lucian's opponent, Petra Tib Nig, a humanoid species blessed by the earth. They share similarities with Wild Elves but are more attuned to the earth, gifted with physical strength from their connection to the earth and its creatures. Tomorrow, Lucians first opponent would be this player.

Rank 7 and 8 are also in competition. The winner between them will face the victor of the match between Lucian and this Petra Tib Nig player. It should now abundantly be  clear to everyone that Lucian is going to win this match.

Lucian attempted to gather information about the other two ranked players, but as always, he couldn't uncover any notable details about them. It seemed like these players guarded their secrets well. After all, they had become rankers for a reason, as dedicated participants in daily PvP battles—they were certain to protect their secrets.

Lucian turned off his tablet and headed to the kitchen, not even waiting for his maid to bring the sweets.


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