Taking Her Home

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Teja started feeling dizzy in the washroom and soon she passed out
Adaa entered just in time to hold Teja before falling. She tried splashing water over Teja's face to get her back to sense but no result.
Adaa immediately called Yuvika for help and then they both carried Teja to medical room

Adaa then decided to inform Karan

Karan- hello

Adaa- hello, I am Adaa Tejasswi's friend.

Karan - where is she? Why are you calling me?

Adaa- She is in medical room.

Karan- What!? What happened? (Getting worried)

Adaa- she fainted

Karan- (getting all worked up) wait there. I am coming.

With this he cut the call.

In medical room.

Karan entered the room within 5 mins of call, breathing heavily. It was evident that he had ran as soon as he heard about Teja. Thankfully it's time for lectures as students would have found him running to a medical room like this.

He saw Teja was unconscious

Karan- What happened to her?

Adaa- she was not feeling since morning. She left left class due to headache and I followed her knowing that she is not well. I just entered the washroom to see her getting dizzy and passing out. Thank god I was on time else she would have hurt herself.

Karan (under his breath) - Thank god.

He sat beside her on bed and placed his hand on her forehead.

Karan- She is having fever. She is hot.
(and unknowingly a smile appear on his lips remembering last incident when she called him hot)

Yuvika (hearing him call her hot)-excuse me?

Karan- I mean she is burning with fever.

Adaa- you should have taken care of your wife.

Karan didn't answer back. He just bowed down to try to scoop Teja in his arms.
Just then the Medical room incharge entered in and saw Karan trying to lift Teja.

Medical Incharge- What are you doing?

Karan- I am taking her home.

Being familiar with his reputation as playboy this didn't settled well with her. She thought he have some evil motive taking her home in this state.

Medical Incharge- I can't allow that.

Karan- and why so? You can't stop me we both are adults.

Medical Incharge (knowing he is right but not wanting to give in easily) - she is not well and I don't want you to cause her any further harm. Anyways why do YOU want to take her home?

Listening to her accusatory tone was testing Karan's patience but he still hold himself back as he doesn't want to create any rukus. Teja's condition was pulling his heart.

Medical Incharge- I don't think you will do any good to her, more harm possibly.

This was it for him. Hearing her accusing him of causing harm to Teja was last straw drawn. It was something he can't even dream of and this woman was accusing him of it.

Karan- I am taking her home because SHE IS MY WIFE. And if you don't believe me ask these two.

Incharge looked at him with shocked expression and then at Adaa and Yuvika in a hope they will deny it but they both nodded their head in yes.
They too were shocked from sudden outburst from Karan. They knew that both Karan and Teja had decided to keep their marriage a secret but now him coming forward his right like this was really shocking.
Karan looked at their faces and not waiting for anyone's response or anyone to say something, he scooped Teja in his arms hold her tight close to his chest. And carried her away.

At home-

Tejasswi was still unconscious.
Karan had called doctor on the way itself so when they reached home doctor was waiting for them. He examined Teja.

Doctor- She passed out due to high fever and weakness.
I had put her on drip, it will be over in an hour or so. And when she woke up give her something light to eat. And please make sure she rests properly.

Karan- Why is still unconscious? Is something serious?

Doctor- Nothing to worry about. She might have high fever since morning and the exertion might had led to her being unconscious. She will be back in her senses soon.
You take care.

Karan- thank you doctor.

And doctor left explaining him all her medicines. Karan sat besides her holding her hand ever so gently waiting for her to wake soon.

Here you go people
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