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Teja- Should I call him and inform that my parents are coming? No, he might be busy with someone else. I should just message him. He will see on his own.

Teja- Hey! My parents are coming for dinner and they want to meet us both, only if you are free.

Karan ( replied instantly) - I am just on my way back.. Will be there soon.

Teja saw the message but didn't replied. After 20 minutes Karan reached home with a fruit basket.

Teja- what's this for?

Karan- for your parents

Teja- but they are leaving tomorrow and won't be able to eat them.

Karan- i didn't knew that.

Teja- it's okay we will eat them.

Karan - yeah, you can finish them alone

Teja frowned

Teja- what do you mean?

Karan (little shy) - don't take me wrong, but you eat lot of fruits which is a good thing

A blush creeped on Teja's cheeks. She nodded and went to her room.

After sometime her parents came and they all had dinner together.

After they left Tejasswi was sitting in front of TV just casually flipping through the channels. But soon she was disturbed by Karan.

Karan- are you busy?

Teja (with poker face) - yes I am.

Karan started to leave from there.

Teja- why? You want something?

Karan- no. I just wanted to talk.

Teja - about what?

Karan- About what happened in college today.

Teja- what happened?

Teja knew what he was talking about but still she doesn't want to give him impression that she noticed it or she is poking in his matter. Also nonetheless it would be good to hear the situation from his mouth, I guess..

Karan- i know you know what I am talking about. You were there when Donal proposed me.

Teja- oh that. So what about it?

Karan- Aren't you angry or something?

Teja- why would I be?

Karan- you are my wife and you saw some other girl proposing me.

Teja- should I go and kill her then?

Karan- i guess you should, it is what happen in all the dramas and stuff ( pointing towards TV)

Teja ( sighing) - look I know I am already burden on you and i don't want to do any such thing which will get you in more trouble.

Karan (pov) - why does she think like this? Have I given her any indication she is a burden to me. She is my wife and definitely not burden. I married her willingly. I know it is not a love marriage and situation were also different but still.

Teja got up and switched off the TV.

Without meeting his eyes Teja- look it's your life. You are free to do whatever you like, you are not bound to me in any way.

Saying this she went to her and the tears which formed in her eyes finally found their escape.

In her room-

Teja curled up and started sobbing thinking that he didn't even deny her words

Teja (pov) - I don't know why I said that but even he didn't denied. Am I really a burden to him? But he told me about donal incident. Was it because he saw that i saw them or he was genuine in telling me.

Karan (pov) - I was passing by Teja's room and I heard some sounds. Is she crying? But why and I knocked.

Teja knowing that it was Karan

Teja - what do you want? ( trying to keep her voice steady but failed miserably as because of crying her voice cracked)

Karan- Are you okay?

Tejasswi didn't reply to him not knowing how to answer to his question.

Karan- I am coming in.

Teja- no you can't (in cracked voice)

But Karan was already in her room.

Here goes the good old update.
I swear I am bone crushing tired
You guys please share your feedback ok 🥺

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