Don't Tell Anyone

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As Teja reached the washroom tears left her eyes. She wiped them to calm herself but soon a sudden wave of sadness took over her and she burst into crying. After crying for a while she composed herself wiping her face and she excited the washroom.
She saw Karan standing there leaning against the wall opposite to the washroom. Ignoring him Teja started leaving from there but Karan stopped her by holding her wrist.
A hiss sound escaped her mouth due to bruises oh her wrist. He immediately let go of her hand.

Karan - Sorry I didn't mean that. Its just that you should fix your make up as it's clearly visible you cried.

Teja looked down in embarrassment and went inside again to fix her make.

Teja- Shit! How can i be so stupid? I should have checked my make up before leaving what he would be thinking about me. I never wanted him to see me in a vulnerable state.

Teja come out again and this time Karan was not there. She sighed in relief. And went back to her table.

Ps- text in bold and italics would be pov

Karan- i never thought her to be this sensitive girl. She is not the same in college. Yesterday only how she was shouting at me and my friends and today here she is all quite and emotional.

Soon after finishing the lunch, they all left for their homes.

At night when Teja was studying, she got a text from unknown number.

?? - hey! It's me Karan. I texted you just to tell you not to tell anyone in the college about what happened today.

Teja was surprised to read his message as she too wanted the same. She doesn't anyone to know about her true personality. She is badass at college and she would like to keep the things like that only.

Teja- Same goes to you. You also don't tell anything to anyone not even to those friends of yours.

Karan- But why what's the problem with them, I assure you they won't tell anyone anything.

Teja- Okay fine but then I will also tell my friends.

Karan- But only to ur trusted ones

Teja- Don't worry, I only have two friends and we are together since childhood.

Karan- cool! good night, see you tomorrow in the college.

Teja- Good night.

And she went back to her studies.

Next day at college-

Yuvika- how are you babe? We missed you yesterday.

Adaa- now tell us what happened

Teja- my dad fixed my marriage

Yuvika- what!!?? Why!!??

Teja- for my safety

Adaa- did you met the boy?

Teja- yes, that's why I didn't come yesterday

Yuvika- how is he? Is he handsome?

Teja ( while blushing a little) yes and you guys know him.

Yuvika- what! Don't tell me it's your ex Kushal

Both adaa nad Teja gave her don't be stupid look.

Yuvika- Then who?

Teja- Karan Kundrra

Adaa- what one of the three bastards

Yuvina - All three are not bastards

Adaa( rolling her eyes)- yeah! Yeah! Except your prince of course.

Yuvika- poor Teja day before yesterday only she got into argument with that Karan and today he is her fiance.

Teja sighed

Teja- I tried my best to cancel this wedding but they were adamant on getting me married this month only.

Karan saw Teja standing with her friends behind the pillar. He moved towards her without getting noticed by them.

Yuvika- chalo atleast after marriage you won't be alone you will atleast have some company.

Adaa- I don't think he will be a good company

Karan got furious listening to Adaa.

Teja- But yesterday he wasn't that bad. He was good in fact

Listening this a smile crept on his lips.  But the next line from him made him frown again.

Teja- but I don't know if he was genuine or just acting in front of our parents.

Before Karan could react his friends reached him.


Update alert
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