Chapter 24: Simon Says

Start from the beginning

Nino exits the stage and returns to his friends who bring him into a group hug, Noe cries with crocodile tears with how proud he was.

"And now for our next contestant, please welcome, Simon Bremo!" Alec introduces.

Simon walks onto the stage next to Alec.

"Mr. Grimault, you are a hypnotist. You use cards to hypnotize people to get what you want from them!"

"Well, yes, I'm a hypnotist. But, uh, I don't use my skills to get anything." Simon shyly takes out his cards.

"So, your challenge today, Simon, is to use your talents to bring a very elusive celebrity to this very TV set." Alec explains, "Give it up for the King of Fashion, Gabriel Agreste!"

Gabriel Agreste ever man himself stern appears on screen, scowling as if his face was stuck in a frown. "What is this show? I was told this was an interview." his tone is cold.

"Dudes, it's your dad!" Nino excitedly says as he clings to Noe and Adrien's arms.

Vanitas sighs and roll his eyes, his own adopted father can't seem to lighten up a bit.

"Do your thing Bremo, let's see if you can bring Mr. Agreste here with your hypnotic persuasion!" Alec pursued.

Simon becomes annoyed. "I told you, I don't make people do-"

"A shy hypnotist, how funny is that, Gabriel?" Alec lets out a sharp laugh as he cuts him off.

"Hilarious." Gabriel glares, "Your show is pathetic and so is your contestant. Control me? Never."

Gabriel turns down the show, leaving  Simon to fail his challenge. Vanitas almost feels bad for that guy.

"Well, would you look at that. He chicken out." Vanitas scoffs, knowing to well but couldn't bring himself to tell Adrien.

"That's our dad, alright." Adrien sighs.

"Looks like Mr. Agreste has turned down your challenge, Game Over!" Alec announces.

"But.. that's not fair! I didn't even have time to-" Simon was once again unable to finish his sentence as he was taken away and out of the studio.

Vanitas picks up a card that looks like the queen of hearts. "He drop on card. It's best to give it back."

"Sorry Van, the show must go on. You'll have to sit tight until it's over." Nino denies, knowing that since people were inside recording, no one could enter or exit the studio as it makes yo much noise.

"Fine." Vanitas groans.

Then all of a sudden, a villain walks in the studio slamming the door open a man in adorned in green and purple struts in.

"Simon Says, the show is not over!"

"What on earth?!" Alec exclaims.

"Simon Says, silence! Simon Says, you're lame! As lame as a duck!" He throws the duck card at Alec, and he starts acting like a duck. The Gorilla tries to stop him

"Simon says stop!" he throws a card with a pause sign at the Gorilla and freezes him "Simon says you are a Gorilla! throwing a Gorilla card at him and he starts acting like a real Gorilla.

Everyone was forced to spilt apart as bodyguard, still acting as a gorilla slams in between them.

"This way!" Vanitas lends Adrien, Noe and Nino to the exit and hide together. The boy sighs in relief as both Agreste bothers can't be alone as the blonde transforms.

Miraculous Sapphire  (Vanitas x Reader) Vol.1Where stories live. Discover now