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Audrey's pov

"Thanks," I quietly said to Conan, who brought me a glass of water.

Heather isn't home as she has gone with you know who.

So it's just Conan and I, it's been two hours since I've arrived and Conan had fixed up my old room for me to sleep in

It was turned into a guest room after I left, but since I'm here, I can sleep in it comfortably.

"So, what brings you to New york? I mean, I thought the Los Angeles life was what everyone wanted, " he said with a chuckle.

With a sigh, I said, " Oh Conan, The Los Angeles life is only for the brave"

"I'm sorry about Andre and  Nicky, I heard she's pregnant, is that why you're here?" He carefully asked.

I chuckled and then nodded my head. Conan doesn't know the truth about Andre and I and since it's out there that he's about to be a father, I might as well just spill the beans, he is after all my guy bestfriend.

"Well, I and Andre are getting a divorce, and it's not because nicky is pregnant -" I said, then took a deep breath.

"I came here to find Adam and hopefully move in with him, My marriage has never been a real one, Andre and I are just strangers turned to good friends in the name of marriage. He loves Nicky and I, well, I love Adam, our families now know everything so it's official that we won't be together for long, " I said with a long sigh

Then Conan came and sat next to me, and then I layed my head on his shoulder.

"Why didn't you tell me this from the start, I'm your best friend, aren't I? Didn't you trust me enough Audrey, huh, I know I've always been there for you and will forever be, you can trust me with anything" he said then wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

I missed this. Being held by one of my best friends.

I felt my eyes water, but I bit back the tears, I've been doing a lot of crying and not this time.

"Also, what do you mean you've come here for Adam?" He asked after a while of comforting silence.

I slightly raised my head to look at him, and he looked confused, I chuckled at his confused expression and then laid my head back on his shoulder.

"Well, Adam and I had gone through alot throughout these months I've been married, but we're now good and I, well, since eim getting a divorce soon I thought why not adapt to living with him and all" I said with a small smile playing on my lips.

"You don't know, do you?" He asked.

"Don't know what?" I asked, and that's when he abruptly got up and went out the door after grabbing his car keys.

I followed suit in a rush and got in  the car just in time before he speeded off.
We drove for a good ten minutes to my brother's apartment, then drove to another apartment complex in the sketchy part of town.

My confused self followed my twin and best friend to the third floor, where they banged on the door, like literally bang.

A man opened, but before he could speak, Tyler punched him square in the face.

Shocked, I yelped and jumped back in horror, but then a very familiar voice caught my ears, and I rushed to the front door where a bloodied Adam stood holding his nose.

Then Conan kicked him where the sun don't shine causing him to fall on his knees and cry out in agony, I hurriedly tried to get in between the boys to prevent them beating the living crap out of Adam.

You know how the girl always tries to get in between a fight because she's dumb for ever thinking she could stop strong bodied men from fighting and then ends being punched?

Yeah, well, hi, it's me, I'm the problem, it's me.

"Awwww!" I cried it as a huge blow came knocking me out.
Andre's pov

"I'm telling you, man, it's just a weird feeling," I sighed, then downed my whiskey.

I'm currently at Brandon's penthouse in Beverly Hills. I haven't seen my mate in what feels like centuries.

We caught up about lives, and he apparently has girl problems, which is unlike him. He has two girls on his roster, and he apparently likes them both but likes one more than the other.

One of them happens to be Jessica, Audrey's friend, the one with a kid, and the other is apparently works in the entertainment industry but behind the scenes.

After talking about his problem and me being the good friend that I am, I gave him good advice, of course.

"Just tell her how you feel, man, you clearly like her so much," Brandon said, pointing at me with his index finger with the hand that held a whiskey glass to his lips.

"I don't know Brandon, she's inlove her ex, us will never happen and it's sudden, wait, I don't know if these so called feelings are sudden but I've been weird around her for the past few months you know, I always pushed the thought of her to the side eurgh"

"I say, you tell her how you feel. If she rejects you, then you can work on forgetting her and focusing on the family you and nicky are about to become. "

"You're a very wise man, Brandon, but I don't man," I said, and on que  both our phones flashed.

We locked eyes for a second, then opened our phones to a horrifying scene flashing through the screens of our phones.

"What the fuck" Brandon voiced ad we both watched a video of Audrey being dragged out by security from a company in New York.

She was being manhandled and threw on the ground along with her suitcase.

She couldn't even tell me she was going to New york.

I couldn't bear to see her in pain, I have to go get my wife back, Brandon is right. I need to confess how I feel, even if it means I might lose her friendship, but wait, yes, friendship!

She doesn't need romance now, she needs a friend and I'm already friends with her so I will be there for her through whatever she goes through, who knows, I might even win her over.

She might agree to be a step mom and help me co-parent with Nicky.

I lo-like Audrey a lot. Took me long enough!


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