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I waited impatiently as I waited for security to ring me about Adam's arrival.

If you're wondering where the infamous couple went, well they left about an hour ago.

Honestly, I'm kinda happy they left, adam and I need this space and quiet to actually talk, I misunderstood him.

What was I thinking when we kissed and things intensified, ofcourse he's still my adam, the very same guy I fell for back in college.

The very same guy whose heart I broke, I should actually be grateful to him that he's actually giving me, well us a chance.

Adam is still my loving adam, the guy that kissed my scars and wiped my tears away

The same guy I day dreamed about a future with, three kids, a nice homely double storey, a dog even though I'm shit scared of dogs, I still saw one in my dreams.

Oh man, i still love him, yes, I still love him, tonight he'll have all of me, no more waiting for us to get married because eventually we  will both get married in future so why wait to connect our souls.

I love him and he loves me.

Andre got nicky pregnant, maybe if I'm lucky adam will get me pregnant too.

I've always wanted to fall pregnant, to be called mommy, to experience labor pains and all emotional turmoils pregnant woman go through.

I won't lie, I am jealous that Andre got Jacky pregnant and no, I didn't punch her on her stomach because of that, it was out of impulse.

I seriously need to apologize to both Andre and nicky, what I did wasn't right and I could've harmed the baby.

My stepbaby, that's if I'd still be Andre's wife when that baby is born but nevertheless, I wanna pamper it and love it like my own if I'd still be married to Andre.

He was right though, the "truce" Nicky and I shaked on need to be implemented for reals, I only realize now that my fights with nicky are useless and childish, we're both grown woman and she's pregnant.

I need to learn to keep my anger at bay and tolerate all she has to say to me, just for the sake of peace in this house.

I was brought out of my thoughts when the house phone rang, it was the security informing me that adam was here and I allowed him to pass through the gates.

I stood up and fixed my braids, patted my skirt a bit then went to open the door for adam as I heard a knock.

I can't believe I'm doing this.

I pulled the doorknob and standing infront of me was adam, he was dressed in grey sweatpants, a girls weakness I tell you, he had on black Jordans and a plain black t-shirt, a silver icy chain hanging around his neck, making him to appear ten times more sexy especially since his long hair was messily pulled back into a man bun.

Ugh, can this man get any more handsome.

He cleared his throat, I finally met his eyes and he had a knowing smirk playing on his lips.


Flirtatious Smile.



I pulled his arms inside while closing the door with my other hand.

I then smashed my lips against his and immediately he responded.

He picked me up and instinctively I wrapped my legs around his waist.

The kiss hungry, we both fought for dominance with our tongues and eventually he won, I could feel a smile playing on his lips as he won.

The wife and the mistressOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora