bye bye inlaws

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Once we got to the Hamptons house, I immediately went upstairs since my in-laws were asleep.

I got to the bathroom and changed out of the dress I've been wearing then wiped off my makeup.

I let the Luke warm shower water run down my back and refresh my tired body.

Finally I finished showering, I got out of my towel and wore some comfy sweatpants and a soft spiderman oversized shirt then got under the covers and let darkness take over my eyes as I get taken to dreamland.
I stood infront of the closet deciding what to wear as Andre and I will be leaving to his house in Beverly hills.

I heard it's huge but I'll probably be alone most of the time.

Finally, I decided on some black jeans, white sneakers and a light white sweater.

I tied my hair back in a puff then began taking out my luggage which mom brought over after my wedding, so I don't really have to pack.

After taking one more look at Andre's room I closed the door behind me and proceeded downstairs where my in-laws stood waiting for me to come down.

"Ohh, there's my daughter in law" Deborah came to aid when I went down the stairs with my large luggage.

She helped me carry it the rest of the stairs down, she then hugged me tightly and man did I not feel her motherly love.

"Ahhhhh, finally the whole world as well as my son have accepted this marriage, I  knew you'd be a good choice, I can already see the sparkle in your eyes my dear" Damon said as he also hugged me.

I did my best to fully smile as I bid the family goodbye.

"Byeeeeeeeeeeee!" Andre waved and honked at them as he drove away in his white Mustang.

"Out your seat belt on, I like driving at a fast pace" he said then I nodded and out my belt on.

Immediately the car went on like it was the flash.
Finally we made it to the airport but instead of going to check in and all, Andre led me to the other side of the airport where a black private jet was waiting for us.

"Steve, wassuppp" Andre greeted the air host standing outside then he went on to greet the captain.

I chose to sit on the window seat while Andre sat on the seat opposite mine then started to take a video as the jet took off.

He motioned for me to smile before including me in the video.

He then stood up from his seat and took a seat next to me, with the camera on, he looked in my eyes and tenderly kissed my forehead.

Is it hot in here or is it just me?

My body felt stiff but I didn't let it show since this was just an act for his loving fans who have been wondering about his misterious wife he had introduced to the world yesterday.

"I love you, pancake" he said as moved to peck my left cheek.

I looked down as I felt shy.

"I'm going back to my crib in Beverly hills and luck for me, I've got my beautiful pancake with me, I'm so glad I got to introduce Audrey to you guys and yes! You'll be seeing more her from now on, right babe" he turned his head to look at me and I nodded with a huge smile plastered on my face.

Yes, it was a fake smile!

After recording, he moved back to his seat and I wished we could do it again, I mean come on, he's a whole hot celebrity I'm married to.

Who would've thought!?

But at the same time he got separated from his love and so have I.

Mrs Renae, I like that, I miss you Adam.

I miss us. I quickly blinked away the tears that were threatening to spill, after taking a deep breath, i signalled for air host to get me a bottle of water.

After taking a sip of water I felt my eyes. Drop and soon I found myself covered by darkness as I drifted off to sleep.

I felt my body shake vigorously and i snapped my eyes wide open as I took in my surroundings.

So, there's no earthquake?

"Fasten your seatbelt, we are here" Andre said as he adjusted the belt around his torso.

I realised now that he changed into black sweatpants and a black hoodie.

I fastened my seatbelt and the jet descended down.

Welcome to LA, I said to myself as Andre and I got into a black luxurious car that would take us to his house.

I should text heather soon, I really miss her.

I miss Adam.

I miss my relationship with him.

The hugs, the kisses, our first date..

I sigh as I look outside the window to the beautiful clear sky as i let memories of my love consume me.

I lay my head against the window then close my eyes.

I feel the car come to a stop then move again, the turns it takes and the smooth movement of the car soothes my broken heart.

I should visit the beach soon.
I stood infront of the matte black door, Andre left me with my bags and the house keys as soon as we arrived.

Finally, I open the door and I guess this is officially the beginning of my new life.

The house was very huge and spacious, I take in the grey walls with paintings on them.

I walk to the kitchen first, it had grey walls, a black marble counter, I pressed a button and the counter suddenly moved.

I gasped. What did I do?

The counter moved to the side to reveal a stove.

Wow! Fancy!

I pressed the button again and the counter went back in place.

The flour was white tiles that shinned to the point where I could see part of my face.

I love this kitchen already.

I went to the living room, the was a huge wall TV that had led lights behind it.

A large set of black L shaped sofa was placed against the cream white wall in the living room.

A single comfortable looking love sofa was placed alone on the corner of the room.

A medium sized glass chandelier was having from above below it was a glass table trimmed with endless patterns of waves.

I went up the black marble stairs and I guess the locked room belonged to Andre so I choose the one across from his room.

I'm guessing this is the guest room, I was lonely.

It had cream white walls and a queen sized bed placed in the middle of the room, two bedside tables, the left table had a small marble lamp that lite up when I touched it. Cool.

The other table was empty and had a single drawer.

I opened the door that was about 6feet from the bed, it was a bathroom.

It had black walls and white marble tiles, a white large bathtub and two neatly placed white towels in the rim that stood besides the bathtub.

A black single basin with a wall mirror faced me as I looked to my left side.

The bathroom was really spacious, I noticed another door in the bathroom.

I opened it and it revealed a closet for my clothes, it was a medium sized closet but it wasn't a walk in one.

I smiled as I fell in love with this room already.


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