not my style

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Audrey's pov

"Uhm, we need to talk" he said. This sounds urgent.

Oh my gosh, what if he wants to talk about THAT night, I'm so not ready to talk about it, I mean he basically cheated on Nicki with me.

Wait, we used condom right!? Oh my gosh, I so hope I don't fall pregnant, I mean having a kid would be great but I, I'm not ready to have a toddler running around me calling me mama!

I'm not ready to wipe a baby's poopy butt, I'm just not fit to be a mother, so I really hope he atleast was in some right state of mind to have the knowledge to use a condom.

Suddenly I felt my body being shaken, I snapped out of Jupiter I had visited.

Andre had his each of his hands on my shoulders, as if he's been calling me as he had this confused look on his face making him freaking cu-

Nope! Not going there sister!

"Ahh, she's back to the land of the living" he said then released his hands from my shoulders and sat back on the bean bag.

"What did you say?" I asked. He kept mum for a while.

My heartbeat picked up pace and I gulped, he is most definitely gonna tell me he didn't use a condom.

Oh no!

"Uhm, do you remember my argument with nicki-?" He asked.

"Yeah, I do, but why are we talking about it?" I asked.

Wait, what!? So he's not gonna talk about THAT night.

"So uhm, as you heard, we were arguing about a reality talk show which you and I are invited to feature on tommorow's episode" he said ran a hand through his hair.


"So she thought I called whatever show you are talking about to feature us for attention?" I crossed my arms.

"Yes. So I've already agreed to feature along with you for tommorow's episode,you up for it right?" He asked with a pleading look in his eyes.

I guess it wouldn't be so bad to feature in a talk show.

"Cool, who is the host?" I asked as I had a hint of interest.

"Karolina forest, she started the reality talk show and she's also the host " he said then got up and stopped by my door.

And said, "my stylists and makeup team will be here first thing tomorrow morning , so I advice you get some sleep because tommorw will be a long day" then he went out the door.

I threw my body back on my bed and ended up being engulfed by the darkness of sleep with thoughts of how tommorw will be like.
I lazily walked down stairs without a care about my tangled hair.

After taking a nice shower in the early hours of the morning, I got dressed in a large grey hoodie with reach my mid thigh, I sat Infront of the mirror to do my hair when I realised it's been stubborn.

How can I put it..? Lemme just say I've got bad hair day, literally today of all days.

I groen when I get to the last step as thinking about my stubborn bird nest hair is infuriating, girls you get me right?

The house was awfully quiet, I mean it was seven in the morning, I guess the stylists are not here yet and my butthole husband seems to be very much asleep without a care for today.

Must be nice.

I picked out frozen strawberries and mango, then some buttermilk and instant oats which I cooked with a tint of cinnamon, and no sugar a while ago.

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