Chapter 22

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"You seem familiar, do I know you?"
Hana's mom asked Taehyung who shook his head hurriedly.

"Look honey, all I see is a boy. There is no sleepover and she is just pretending like I told you."
The man said turning his wife towards him by the shoulders.

"Uh no, we were having a sleepover. well since Hana left earlier to go back home the party ended quite early. We were just cleaning up."

The man was not amused and Hana cringed behind them.

"What were you doing out so late at night young man?" He asked steping forward to show that he controlled the conversation.

"Like I said we were cleaning up I had to keep the trash out here."

"Where's the trashbag?"

"I already kept it in its place."

"Good. Let's se what's inside."

"I don't think we allowed you to enter our house."

"Children owning a house is something intresting."
The man said with no shame on his face after getting refused to.

"Our parents pay the rent, if you really want to know."
Taehyung said locking his jaw.

"I see what kind of boys you hang around Hana."

"Don't bring her—"

"The fucking mosquitoes—"

The door behind them opened again to reveal Jimin who had successfully stopped the heated conversation between them. All eyes went to Jimin as everyone saw him getting red in the face.

He coughed a little to clear his throat and bowed before welcoming Hana's parents inside.

"Finally someone who is not a brat."
He made sure that everyone heard that before making his way inside to remove his shoes.

Hana's mother followed him inside.
Hana looked at Taehyung and Jimin guilty.

"I'm sorry.." before Taehyung could even say that it wasn't her fault. Jimin pulled Hana into his chest.

"Don't say that oka we know it wasn't your fault and now, let's go and deal with them."
Jimin said patting Hana back who sniffled and hugged him back but not before sending Taehyung a small thumbs up to make him feel included.

Taehyung sighed. It was going to be okay, he just needed to control his temper and mouth.

"Come on let's go before they start complaining about us taking too long."
Taehyung said ushering both of them inside.


"Do you prefer tea or juice?"
Jungkook asked the adults sitting on the couch.

"Aren't you supposed to ask if we would like coffee or tea?"
The man asked in return.

"We don't have coffee, some of us don't like it. What will you like sir?"
Jungkook replied shrugging his shoulders trying to keep calm.

"Get me some water please,kid"
Hana mother asked Jungkook trying to be nice but the 'kid' got Jungkook screaming inside.

"I-i am a high school student" he said before he ran away to get them both some water.

While doing so he could feel both of their eyes on him.

Why aren't the others here yet?
He thought as he sat the two glasses of water on a tray before passing them onto the couple.

"You're in high school? You look like a kid in middle school."

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