Chapter 12

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Taehyung waited patiently for a certain someone to arrive and say, "Sorry for being late".

But no one came, looks like everybody was leaving him alone for someone more important.

The waitress walked by the third time telling him that he needs to get out if doesn't order anything.

Taehyung for the third time ordered a lemonade. Saying that he was waiting for someone.

The waitress didn't believe him though, he had been saying that for the last thirty minutes.

But she didn't throw him out though, she actually didn't care about how long he sat there. He was buying some lemonade no one cared about and of course, a good-looking person by the window draws in new customers.

After about ten minutes of staring at the sour-sweet water in the glass, Taehyung felt someone snap their fingers in front of his eyes.

"Were you waiting for me?"
The person said.

Rage filled in Taehyung's body and he felt his face heat up.
"Fucking of course! I have been waiting for the past thirty minutes for you."

"But why? I thought you asked to meet at two for lunch."
Yujin said rather calmly.


"Look Taehyung, I think you are stressed and are out of it right now. How about I take you somewhere I love?"
She said casually picking up his untouched glass and chugging it down.

Taehyung stared at her in disbelief.

"Sorry it's just very hot outside, and I was thirsty. It tastes like shit though, why do you have two empty glasses on the table? Were you thinking of torturing yourself with this?"

She rambled on about how the drink tasted like shit while Taehyung sat quietly, gathering his thoughts.

Did he just come here and waste thirty minutes sipping on pee-colored water?

Yes, he did.
Now that he was declared an idiot by his long-forgotten friend, he wanted nothing more than return home.

And get reminded that Hana left him alone for the dancer guy.
No, absolutely not.

No way in hell he would go back and sit and sulk staring at the tv until someone came back.

His gaze fell onto Yujin who was now rambling about the drink's taste to the waitress.

Maybe he should consider going with her. What else does he have to do anyway?


She whips her head around, her hair gracefully sitting on her shoulder.


"You said something about this place?"

As if enlightened, she quickly gave him a huge smile and asked him to follow her.

"Oh, and don't forget my bag!"


"Sorry if I seem rude but what are carrying in this bag? It's so heavy. "
Taehyung complained, regretting his decision to carry her bag for her.

"Stop complaining, we are almost here... Oh look there it is."
She said suddenly sprinting towards an alleyway.

"Hey, wait!"
Taehyung ran behind her to the alley and took in his surroundings.

The walls of the alley were decorated with graffiti, saying almost random words. A usual green dumpster lay in the corner and a cat peacefully slept on some cardboard laying around.

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