Chapter 4

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Taehyung had a bloated stomach by the time we left Panda Express.
That boy loved Panda Express.

"Consider me dead until tomorrow morning."
Taehyung said as he and Jimin made their way toward the bus station.

And Hana?
She was going with Hoseok to try out some dance steps because learning the dance needed more cooperation.

The guy was rich.
He had a dance studio and owned a car while he was still in uni.

She was sure one more guy owned a car. She was sure because she saw the three guys shuffle into a black shiny car.

She cringed.
Damm, it felt weird to call someone you just met by such a nickname.

He turned his head towards her looking like a squirrel with filled cheeks.

(He looked cute but the author can't tell him that 🥺)

"You seem rich..."

"Don't worry none of us are part of the Mafia or anything."
He said ruffling her hair.

"Okay, okay I believe you... So where is this dance studio of yours?"
Hana asked as Hoseok's hand retreated.

"Near my house, just wait"

"You live alone? "

"Yeah, don't worry I have a supportive family with a lovely sister"
He said waving his hands which were supposed to be on the steering wheel.

Hana got highly concerned for their safety and her hands reached forward to put Hoseok's hands back in place.

"oh, sorry I tend to get a little overhyped"
He said realizing his mistake.

"It's okay, we all have our moments."
Hana said in a small voice.

After a long awkward silence. They both spoke at the same moment.


They looked at each other and laughed awkwardly again.

"You can go first."
Hana said looking down at her lap.

"Okay, So you and Taehyung huh?"
He said lifting his chin towards her.

Hana's head turned to him at a scarily fast pace and Hoseok thought that she might break her neck.

With a red tint on her face, Hana looked outside the window and then back at him.

"Umm... We aren't together if that's what you mean."

"I understood that by your reaction, but I'm assuming you like him. Based on your reaction again."
He said shaking his head.

"I don't know if I like him... Romantically, I mean."
Hana said words slipping off her tongue as if it was dipped in oil.

"Don't worry we all have that one person in our life. You have us to talk to, and by 'us' I mean my friends whom you met today. "
Hoseok said eyes on the road but Hana knew he meant every word he said.

"You're nice..."
Hana said unexpectedly and it made Hoseok laugh out loud.

"Why are you laughing?"
Hana said punching his shoulder and he just laughed more.

He stopped only when he started to park the car.

Still breathing hard Hoseok tapped Hana's shoulder.
"Welcome to my dreamland pretty Hana, this is the Just Dance Academy. You can call it my second home. "

He seemed enthusiastic about the dance they were about to do for the film while Hana felt the opposite.
It had been years since she danced properly.

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