Chapter 14

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Hana stood outside waiting for Jimin to pick her up.

Jimin had called her and asked if she was free and wanted to go somewhere with him.
She had answered with a yes to both of his questions but twenty minutes later-the amount of time he said he needed to reach where she was, there were no signs of Jimin.

She had tried calling him a lot of times and finally decided that he had ditched her for something more important.

Jimin was the only one who had his driving license. He turned eighteen last year and the first thing he did was learn how to drive.

Jungkook was still studying with his classmates. He's going to be left behind in high school when the others graduate so he wants to give his best so that he can skip a year.

And, That's never gonna happen.

So, This time she called Taehyung.
Nobody picked up even after she called him thrice.
He must be busy. Hana thought as she tried to book a cab.

Suddenly Taehyung's name flashed on her screen. She quickly picked up the phone.

"Kim! Where were you? I called you three times. Jimin just ditched me can you-"

"Stop irritating Taehyung and me. He doesn't want to talk to you, why don't you understand that? He's sad because of you. Little irritating pest!"
A female voice slurred out the words.

"Yeah don't call me again you pest."
It was Taehyung laughing loudly in the background.


The call ended before Hana could say anything else.

Did some drunk girl just tell her that she was irritating?
Yes, she did.

Did Taehyung laugh along?
Yes, he did.

She wasn't even calling him to get a ride. She just wanted to make sure that Jimin was around Taehyung.

Was she irritating Taehyung so much that he had to talk about it to random people she didn't know?

Thoughts entered Hana's mind as he sighed when she felt a burning sensation in her chest and eyes.

A car passed by her and stopped a few steps ahead of her. Someone from the car called out her name and she flinched.

"You! Yes, you! Hana! Come here!"
It was Namjoon the guy with dimples.

He poked his head out of the car and made a come hither motion with his hand.
Hana walked towards him and bent down to reach his eye level.

"Do you need a ride?"
He asked her.

"H-how did you know?"

"I noticed you standing there for a while. We just visited Hoseok by the way, you can hop in."

Hearing the word 'we' she looked over to see Yoongi sitting in the driver's seat.
He said hi and went back to fumbling with his fingers on the steering wheel.

"Thank you Namjoon-ssi"
She said before opening the door to the backseat. After telling Yoongi to drop her at the park where they had a meeting she rested her back on the seat and looked at her phone screen.

She felt the same burning return as she looked at her call logs.
She bit her bottom lip to prevent a sound from escaping her mouth.
Noticing her heavy breaths Yoongi turned his head to see her face.

"You okay?"
That was all he said before he stopped the car declaring that they had reached the park.
Hana nodded at him and quickly got out of the car running away.

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