Chapter 11

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After Hana's crying marathon had officially started the boys decided to take a break and meet up again after thirty minutes.

Jimin could swear he heard Seokjin mutter something like must be her first day today.

He saw Hana clutching onto Jungkook who patted her back now and then.

"You should stop crying now, you scared the others away.
The prick said making Hana punch his arm.

"You grew up so fast. "
She said looking at his face.

"umm... What am I supposed to say?"
Poor Jungkook awkwardly looked back at her.

Taehyung cleared his throat making Hana look at him with her slightly puffy eyes.

"We can head home if you want to rest"
He proposed before pulling her toward himself.

He took off his jacket and wrapped it tightly around her waist.

"Tae-what? What are you doing? "
She asked as the other two boys quickly said their goodbyes, letting Hana be pulled along by Taehyung.

"We are going home. "
He said before letting her walk on her own.

"But why? And what about Jimin and kook? "
She inquired back catching up with him.

"Umm, You've got a patch on your skirt. "
He murmured opening the car door for her.

"what-oh, okay let's go home. "
Hana clicked on her seatbelt as Taehyung started driving toward their house.

"Don't worry only me, Jimin, and Jin hyung noticed it."

"Oh my god why Seokjin?! It's not even close to my date"
She fumbled with his jacket.

When the two reached home, Taehyung was quick to open the doors for Hana as he hurried to her room.

"Take your time, don't hurry. The guys understand-"
Before he could finish Hana shut the door in his face.

"Better luck next time Taehyung. "
He mumbled softly to himself.

Taehyung quickly typed a message to Jimin saying that he and Hana probably won't join them after the break.

Jimin was quick with his reply,
And you're not needed here.
With an '🙄' emoji.

Taehyung was about to type in;
You little midget-
But the sound of sudden laughter from inside the room made him delete it.

"Hana? "
Did she just laugh?

The door opened to reveal a cackling Hana who was clutching her stomach. Now wearing grey shorts.

"Boys are idiots! "
She laughed again.

Damm why? What did I do?
Taehyung thought.

Hana held up her pink skirt and showed him the stain.

"Ew Hana what the"

"It's gross, I know. It's just not the kind of gross you thought it was."
She said shoving his shoulder dying of laughter.

"What? "
He asked confused.

She surely busted a nut in today's heat.

"Hana, I'm confused. "

"Yeah, I can see that-"

"Also, please put that off my face."
He said pushing her soiled skirt down.

"Its surely some type of chewing gum"
She said scratching the stain.

"Ah- I'm not sure you should do that"

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