Chapter 9

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The sound of the door opening made Jimin turn his head.

There stood Taehyung staring at him with a lost expression.

"You missed a great movie Tae."

Taehyung expected to be scolded and screamed at, but here he got the opposite of that.

He looked up with guilt and saw Jimin looking at him with hard eyes.

The room was dark and a movie played soundlessly on the tv.
He moved around the couch Jimin sat at only to jump slightly when Jimin hit his thighs to stop him from moving.

Looking down he saw Jungkook asleep on a mattress laid by the couch with a blanket covering his whole body.

He moved his eyes up to Jimin to see him stroking Hana's head who was fast asleep on his lap.

A blanket was thrown messily on both of them.

He removed his shoes and carefully stepped near the edge, successfully avoiding Jungkook's long legs.

He fixed the blanket while Jimin got up placing Hana's head on a pillow.
He looked to jungkook and sighed.
He then picked up a tissue and wiped the slight drool from the corner of his face.

After Taehyung and Jimin were content with their work, they both sat at the kitchen table.

Jimin looked at Taehyung for an explanation for his absence earlier.

Taehyung opened his mouth to speak but instead, his stomach spoke up for him.

Taehyung looked down at the table with a wild blush.
Jimin quietly moved to grab his share of the food they brought earlier.

"We can talk while you eat."
He then fetched him a glass of water.

"Jungkook drank your drink to punish you, for leaving him alone."
He said with a small laugh while he sat down again.

Taehyung took a bite of his mild spiced pasta and looked at Kimin.

(a/n): It's supposed to be Jimin but I like the typo so I'll keep it that way.

"Don't scold me but I met an old friend while waiting for Kook. She seemed nervous-"

Jimin said suddenly.


"Nothing just continue."

"yeah, so she had to buy this thank-you gift for her boss, and she seemed confused about what to pick so I just randomly said that I could help her with that. I promise I didn't think she would say yes!"
Taehyung said the last part panicking.

"Did she trouble you?"
Jimin asked tiredly.

"No... She was very nice."
He answered tilting his head as he watched Jimin yawn.

"Then I don't need to worry... Oh and bring your mattress downstairs. Jungkook wanted to have a sleepover in the living room."

He said while getting up with the empty glass.

He barely reached the sink and stumbled on air, falling and taking the glass with him.

Taehyung rose from his seat to help but Jimin had already picked himself up. Thankfully no harm had come to the glass and Jimin both.

"You okay?"
Taehyung asked as he stood behind him.

"Yea-yeah I'm very tired. That's why."
Jimin turned away from his prying eyes.

"Finish your food and bring your mattress downstairs."

Thankfully Taehyung nodded and resumed eating.

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