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A/n I hope you enjoyed last chapter; it took so long cause writing from Bens POV was a little difficult.

Enjoy :)


He chuckled and tossed the mask to the ground.
"What? Never seen a ghost before?" Ben said jokingly and smirked, making my breath catch in my throat. He looked... very different. Dare I say attractive.

He tossed the stick he used to knockout Hap to the ground next to his mask and Bowser groaned.

"Uh... Hey?"

I stood up and tackled him in a hug to make sure it was him and it was, he was alive. It's not my fault. Tears brimmed in my eyes as he hugged me back and for the first time in a few months, I felt okay again.

"How?" Kenji said as he joined the hug along with Brooklynn.

"I thought you...?"

The moment was ruined by the sound of Hap waking up and I hid behind Bowser. Then I realized, Bowsers okay.

"Hi baby... Did you miss mama?" I said as I pet Bowser, admiring that his colors were even more vibrant. Bowser made a noise of happiness and nuzzled into my hands.

Bowser came up to me and  separated me from the other three with his head and gently pushed me to the side. He used to be up to barely my thighs and now we're eye level. I pet him on the chin and trailed my hand to his side, and his coloring was still as bright as ever. The only thing that has become more dull was his yellow stomach, yet still surprising.

"Aww I missed you too. not so Bowser Jr. anymore huh?" I said and Bowser happily groaned in response

I thought I would never see him again, that he would become big scary and territorial. but he only became one of those things.

A few moments later Ben was tying up Hap and explaining what happened.

"Fell off the monorail, got savaged by Pteranodons, found the dinos, almost died a few times in the jungle but lived, defeated Toro then I overheard that fancy couple and Barbie conspiring with his guy, Hap, so I figured you might need my help." Ben finished tying up Hap and took a step back.

"Oh hey! I still have your thingy... Huh?" I grabbed where it was supposed to be, but it wasn't there.

"Oh, yeah. Stole it off of you when you hugged. You're a tight hugger, by the way." Ben said as he put on hand sanitizer, and I noticed how dirty his arms were.

"I thought you were dead because of me! How are you acting so... casual about it?!" Ben just shrugged and picked up the taser from Hap.

"Dang, we could have used this, huh guys?" Ben said and Bumpy grumbled in agreement.

"Ben focus. What did they say?" Brooklynn asked and Ben tried spinning the taser but almost dropped it.

"Not much, but they're definitely up to something. Hap too. I say we feed him to the Mosasaurus, or the T-rex." Ben sounded like he was getting his hopes up, definitely imagining it before Hap spoke startling us.

"Or you could listen to me." Hap stood up and Ben pointed the spear at him, I got close to Bowser again.

"You're awake?"

"Of course, I'm awake. You think I'm gonna be taken out by a bunch of kids?" Haps voice was raspy and a little scary.

"Challenge accepted!" Ben pointed the taser closer to Hap and turned it on.

"Put that down before you get yourself hurt, boy."

"Someone's getting hurt, old man but it isn't me." Ben said and Hap just chuckled.

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