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A/n I broke 5k words last chapter... 5,000! if your still reading thank you, really keeps me going if I know this book is actually doing well.

Warnings: Blood, Concussion

Enjoy :)


I sat up and Bumpy groaned, that hurt. I looked at the floor of the van and Bowser was laying next to an unconscious y/n.

"Is everyone okay?" Darius asked.

"Is everyone...?" Yasmina said banging her fist on the dash board and got out slamming the door.

Sammy went out after her, and we all got out. Bumpy rolled out of the van, and Bowser jumped, landing next to me, but y/n still laid there

"y/n? come on!"

I turned her head, and her wound opened up again, leaving some blood going along the side of her head.

"oh boy um... kenji!" I called out for him but he didn't hear me

"Okay just safely take her out of the van, not too hard! but how?"

Bowser put his front legs on the van standing up and tried pulling y/n by her shoe, not really doing anything other than chewing it but still trying to help.

"okay then, that's how we'll do it"

I grabbed her by her ankles and started to pull her out until her lower legs were out

"now the hard part" No clue why I'm talking to myself though

I grabbed her shoulders and made sure she was sitting up. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her out but her limp body made me fall over, her on top of me.


I gently pushed her off of me so she was laying on her back. Bowser ran up to her and nudged her jaw

"Don't worry Bowser, she's just asleep... is she?"

"I'm fine, what the hell happened?" y/n groaned

"well what happened was I was right, Sammy took my phone and broke it!" Brooklynn yelled

"She didn't mean to" y/n said still laying on the ground

"how do you know that?" Brooklynn said now standing next to her head

"She told me, I knew about the phone--"

"YOU KNEW? and didn't tell me?" Brooklynn shouted

"I'll tell you if you stop yelling, your giving me a head ache!" y/n said sitting up on her elbows

"So, you did take Brooklynn's phone? Why? What were you doing?" Darius asked

"Probably trying to erase my video of her taking those samples from the Sinoceratops. And you knew about the Indominus rex because you were snooping around Dr. Wu's office when I ran into you. I knew it!"


Well, Brooklynns phone landed right onto my head wound and I have never felt worse. Brooklynn was yelling at Sammy about it but honestly, has no one noticed I literally got knocked out?
by a phone?

"I didn't mean to destroy the phone. I fell on it when the zipline came down and--"

"But you did steal it? You had it that whole time and didn't tell us?" Ben said

"Hold up. What were you doing in Dr. Wu's office, Brooklynn?"

"I... It doesn't matter. I didn't break our only way to call for help and then lie about it! This is not my fault! This is her fault! She--"

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