A Beacon of Hope

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A/N Another chapter! Woo-hoo!

Fun Fact: End of The Line broke a word record for me! my longest chapter was 5089 words (Happy Birthday Eddie) but End of The Line was 5375 words! Pat on the back for me!

Enjoy :)

The island belongs to the dinosaurs now, ever since the park went down with a bang after a genetic hybrid escaped. And it all could have been avoided if guests weren't so greedy or they raised that hybrid right. But Jurassic World certainly has no hope of coming back. And you know how I just said the entire island belongs to the dinosaurs now? It also belongs to a bunch of kids!  

Y/n POV 

"Run, run, run!" Darius shouted as we all ran away from a paralophosaurus with anger issues.

"Is the paralophosaurus still there?" Brooklynn asked as she and Sammy helped Yasmina run.

Kenji looked back as he ran next to me, and a T-Rex came out of freaking nowhere and I fell over as Kenji continued to run.

"Not anymore!" I said as I quickly got back up on my feet and jumped over a fallen tree hiding behind it.

"Over there! Cover!" Darius said and dived under, I had to back up and give the others space to hide as well. Me and Kenji held onto each other as we heard the T-rex finish off that paralophosaurus. Darius stood up and watched for a few moments before sitting back down.

"They're gone" he said, and we all relaxed, Kenji leaning his legs against the log and back against the ground and I did the same. 

"Why are there so many dinosaurs around?" Kenji complained.

"It's either your boyish charm or the fact that all the fences are down" Brooklynn replied sitting up to look at us both.

"No offense but it's definitely option two." Sammy said. 

"I don't even care, right now, I just want a sandwich. We haven't eaten since those awful carob bars that Ben..." Yasmina trailed off as she realized what she was about to say and looked at me.


"I-I..." Yasmina stuttered as she looked at Sammy and the mood died immediately; I don't even think there has been a good mood since... yeah if I just don't think about it, it can't hurt my feelings.

Kenji sat up normally and we all sat in silence for a few moments, before we heard a roar and we all gasped. and then groaned in annoyance at the same time.

"We just need to eat and rest. I can't keep running like this" Sammy said as we all got up.

"We don't have to!" Darius said.

"What do you mean we don't have to-- Main Street!" I said walking over to where Darius was standing and looked at the innovation center.

"There's bound to be a way to call for help on main street, and food and everything else!" Darius said getting excited.

"Come on!" He said and started running as well as me and the others following after him. 

When we got there everything was torn, broken or shattered.

"What happened here? Kenji asked as we continued to walk before stopping at a structure that looked like it had some personal business with a dinosaur.

"Uh, I'm thinking dinosaurs." Yasmina said and I saw a raptor that looked burnt to a crisp

"It's more than that, some kind of fight took place." Darius said as he looked around and I examined the burnt raptor, poor thing.

"From the height it looks like maybe the T-Rex and... Something bigger?" Darius said, I didn't really care, I'm looking for food.

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