Happy Birthday, Eddie!

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A/n No that is not an edited image of the baby stego from Jurassic World 3 tf you mean. *sweat drops*
Haha anyways
Warnings: Cursing, concerned parents
Also this is barely proof read
Enjoy :)


We continued to walk through the jungle, constantly pushing away giant vegetation and mosquitos. Ben out on even more sanitizer after everything he touched. I kept up my pace before hearing a branch snap.

We all screamed in fear and got down but it was a flase alarm.

"Sorry, stepped on a twig" Ben said

"Come on man"

"Done gave me a heart attack" Sammy said holding her chest

"I should step on you" kenji pointed at him

"its okay ben. We're all on edge" Darius said

"and lost" Yasmina added

Yep. everything they just said is correct, I mean we just screamed in terror because of a twig. not cool.

"Yeah, we've been out here for a while now. Darius, we sure we're still headed towards the park?" Sammy said

"Well, we'd be sure if I still had my phone, because it has a GPS, a compass app, and is also a phone!" Brooklynn said, should I tell her about Sammy? but I cant throw her under the bus like that, I'll tell her if I have too.

"Sammy didn't steal your phone! No one stole your phone! Can we please stop talking about the phone?"

Yasmina hates that cellphone with a burning passion, and I am ready to see a Brooklynn vs Yasmina fight any minute now, but I'm also getting annoyed.

"Or maybe if super-star knew basic directions she wouldn't be complaining about that freaking phone!"

"How do you know where we are, N/n?" she said putting her hands on her hips

"the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, that's 2nd grade knowledge!" I said also putting my hands on my hips

"You guys! You guys, you guys, you guys. Could you all yell at each other quieter, please?" Ben said grabbing our attention.

"My fellow campers, chill! What we need here is someone who can make the hard call on what to do next. Since I'm obviously leadership material... I'll do this. And my first decree as leader is for everyone to stop talking and just listen to Darius." Kenji said wrapping an arm around him.

"Huh?" Darius said before kenji pulled him to the side an whispered something to him
I managed to make out most of it though

"Heard that!"

Kenji rolled his eyes at me before backing up.

"So, which way, Darius?"

"Please, you're just trying to cover up the fact that you're lost, too, Mr. VIP." I said crossing my arms.

"None of us know where we are." Brooklynn added

"I know where we are!" and then Darius ran off towards somewhere

"We're by the Carnotaurus paddock! I thought this place looked familiar."

"Am I an excellent leader or what"

"You're definitely or what" I said following Darius

" I remember the fence. The broken, ripped-down fence." Darius said as we walked through the tall grass

"That means... That means Toro is out here... with us." Ben said panting.

I wanna say it out loud so bad but this man has been CRIPPLING with anxiety since the tower but... he jinxed the one dinosaur thing!

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