The Watering Hole

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A/n I had the most fun writing this and I think it might be fav chapter so far. Also I got a Tiktok, blue_raptor94
I post edits and stuff, so you can check those out or feel free to terrorize me into working on another chapter.
Enjoy :)


As uncomfortable as this bed was, it's better than the floor. That Yasmina sarcastically offered when she heard me say "are you kidding me" under my breath when Kenji and Darius found these beds. Brooklynn took the bunk above mine and I got nervous every time it wobbled when she moved in her bed. If I had to take a wild guess I think I got about four, five hours of sleep. Considering the sound of dinosaurs, being too hot or too cold and of course the crappy mattress and lab coat I used for a blanket.

I decided that trying to go back to sleep with the sun in my face was pointless and I got out of bed. I looked over to the ground and Kenji was shaking a dirty towel as Darius laid on his stomach notebook in hand.

The two boys climbed up and Darius looked a little disappointed.

"Good morning sleepy head" Kenji said mockingly and walked over to the shower, and I groaned as I tried to de tangle my bed head.
“Need help?” Brooklynn said from her bunk and I looked up, she just finished putting her hair up and was holding probably the only brush we had.

“Yes please.” I said and she smiled, getting down from her bunk and sitting behind me and got to work after cleaning the brush.
“How did you sleep last night?”

Brooklynn asked and I was about to say something but she yanked my hair hard enough to make my head move back trying to get rid of a knot.
“Ow! That hurt!”

“Sorry, sorry, let me grab the spray bottle” Brooklynn then got up setting the brush down and went to go grab it. I rubbed the part of my head where it felt like my hair was almost ripped out. Brooklynn came back and without warning sprayed my hair so it wouldn’t hurt as much. I shuddered as the cold water hit the back of my neck and Brooklynn chuckled and started brushing again and it didn’t feel like she was ripping hair out and it actually felt like she was brushing my hair

“Oh! Sorry Yaz!” Sammy said and I looked over to Yasmina and the can that Sammy had been wrestling with all morning was by her feet.

“It’s cool.” Yasmina said and marked the chalkboard and sat on the couch next to Darius
“another one bites the dust” Brooklynn said loud enough only I can hear it and I laughed, trying to keep my head still.
A moment of comfortable silence took over the treehouse, I wonder when will it be interrupted?
Kenji threw the water tank on the table and it bounced off of it and landed next to the slide.

“No mas agua. A little help?” Kenji said raising his arm.

“I got you Kenj.” Darius put his notebook down and went to grab the water tank.

“If you keep doing it for him he’ll never learn to do it for himself" Yasmina said and Darius shrugged, not caring at all and went down the slide.
Brooklynn set the hair brush down and I tried to get up but she smacked me in the side of the head, when I turned around to look at her she just made me face forward again
“What was that for?”

“I wanna braid your hair, now stay still.” Brooklynn said and parted my hair into three.

“Uh, guys!” Darius shouted and we all got up to look, my hair fell back into place before Brooklynn could even start. We all got down and went over to what Darius was looking at and nothing could have prepared me to see that our only source of water was dried up.

“Where’d all the water go?” Sammy asked
“Why don’t we ask Mr. 45-Minute Shower?” Yasmina said and Kenji was still drying his hair.

“Hey, looking good is part of my brand. And no way I drained a while river!”
Me and Brooklyn slid down into the empty river and I walked off towards where the water should be coming from.
I only saw small puddles and I heard a small snarl. I looked in the direction of where it came from but didn’t see anything. Instead of just ignoring it like I did the first time I kept my gaze on where I heard it from. Nothing. This was disappointing, but there’s nothing I can do about it. I walked back to the others, and the boys were on one side of the river and the girls were on the other side

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