[19] Loop of emotions

680 31 8

District 8, Seoul

↪Third person pov↩

     "And then I promised her that when the weather is more favourable, we will go hiking, you know? Cause she really likes the mountains."

Felix cooed as Hyunjin rambled on about yesterday with Ryujin. Its been a while the older had anything to rave about, he would just mull or simply pay attention to whatever Felix was saying, but hardly ever share anything interesting that happened to him.

"That's cute and all but, have you figure out about your own block?"

Hyunjin paused. After attempting to speak but failed, he averted his gaze to the blank canvass in front of him.

Oh? He actually came here to paint, but ended up talking about random things. And second, he had never really thought about why his mind couldn't function in arts like it used to.

Ryujin felt trapped in time and space, but now she's moving out of that blackhole, letting her mind to rummage through different scopes. But what's his?

He never felt trapped? he didn't have places he so wanted to visit? And that's the problem, everything was okay. Just a series of normal days.

Same emotions everyday, nothing really motivated him to paint anymore, the fun of it had locked itself up.

"I never really thought about that?"

But if the brunette wanted to be honest to himself, he's feeling kinda different lately, new types of emotions, various expressions, like he's slowly slipping out of the loop.

From nervousness, feeling flustered, being shy, to that new chest tightening thing, what was it again. . .jealousy? Even that heart Summersaults that randomly attacks the brown haired.

Yeah, all that! The will to talk to someone who isn't his Hyungs or Felix, and to top things up that person so happens to be a female, the one spice of homo sapiens he had grown accustomed to avoid.

"Hello? Earth to Hyunjin?" Felix snapped his fingers, successfully destroying his fortress of thoughts.

Hyunjin blinked, humming as his mind finally relaxed.

"I'll have you know that you have just. . ." The blonde looked down, counting his fingers as he muttered incomprehensible words to himself. "Four days to report to Mrs Bak," He pointed the his fingers at Hyunjin.

"I do?"

"Yeah? Didn't she say two weeks?"

Hyunjin mentally scolded himself for forgetting. He pouted when realization punched him square in the face. "Does that mean I have to stop hanging out with Ryu?"

Felix just laughed at this, trying to not to die as his breaths were all caught up in a wheeze.

Hyunjin just looked at him, perplexed.

"No Hyung, but that's up to you," Felix placed a hand on the taller's shoulder, watching as a smile emerged from nowhere and a fine shade of pink dusting his cheeks.

"Sweet," The brown haired effused, turning away from Felix to hide that bubbly expression.

"You're grinning like a love sick idiot. When was the last time you had a crush?"

"The ice age," Hyunjin and Felix both turned to the new comer, both carrying different reactions to his presence: While Felix was excited and ran to engulf him, Hyunjin frowned, glaring at what he identified as an intruder.

"Hey Lix," He ruffled the younger's hair, eliciting a light giggle from the blonde. "Hwang, still got girl problems?"

"I'll strangle you with one of your chains."

"Kinky," Jisung smirked, looking down at the accessory that hung on his jean.

"What is he doing here?" Hyunjin looked at Felix, demanding an answer for the unsuspecting visit of the quokka.

"Can't I visit Lix?"


"We actually have a group study, I told you when you got back late yesterday? Were you too smitten to understand?" Felix got between the two, arms spreading apart.

"Smitten, kitten, mitten, bitten, kni-"

"Shut it, emo fuck!" Hyunjin scrawled, heaving out a frustrated sigh. Great, other than this mind block, another pest decided to grace him with its presence today.

"Not my fault I love dark," the younger hugged himself, twirling around with a gleeful smile.

"Seo Changbin?" Felix beamed.

"Exactly, but taller."

"Two cm!"

"Bitch, that counts," Jisung protested, before Felix intervened again, pulling the older's hand as he walked out of the workspace.

"Bye Hyung," the chicken waved, he turned to Jisung, scrawling at him for always arguing with the older.

After being scolded, Jisung tried being  nice. "Bye Hyung, sorry for the disturbance."

"Yeah, go fuck yourself," Hyunjin huffed, averting back to the easel, he heard Jisung trying to say something back– but Felix used his hands to muffle the words– causing the brunette to laugh.

Yeah, he loves hating Jisung.

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- unrequited?
- Last Chance

I'm not feeling too well, so blame all my inactiveness on that, haha

I promise to update better though.

Anyways hi, how are you?
Pls vote and comment


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